The Danish Peace Academy


John Avery
H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen


Galvani and Volta

While Dalton’s atomic theory was slowly gaining ground in chemistry, the world of science was electrified (in more ways than one) by the discoveries of Franklin, Galvani, Volta, Ørsted, Amp`ere, Coulomb and Faraday.

A vogue for electrical experiments had been created by the dramatic experiments of Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), who drew electricity from a thundercloud, and thus showed that lightning is electrical in nature. Towards the end of the 18th century, almost every scientific laboratory in Europe contained some sort of machine for generating static electricity. Usually these static electricity generators consisted of a sphere of insulating material which could be turned with a crank and rubbed, and a device for drawing off the accumulated static charge. Even the laboratory of the Italian anatomist, Luigi Galvani (1737- 1798), contained such a machine; and this was lucky, since it led indirectly to the invention of the electric battery. In 1771, Galvani noticed that some dissected frog’s legs on his work table twitched violently whenever they were touched with a metal scalpel while his electrostatic machine was running. Since Franklin had shown lightning to be electrical, it occurred to Galvani to hang the frog’s legs outside his window during a thunderstorm. As he expected, the frog’s legs twitched violently during the thunderstorm, but to Galvani’s surprise, they continued to move even after the storm was over. By further experimentation, he found that what made the frog’s legs twitch was a closed electrical circuit, involving the brass hook from which they were hanging, and the iron lattice of the window.

Galvani mentioned these experiments to his friend, the physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827). Volta was very much interested, but he could not agree with Galvani about the source of the electrical current which was making the frog’s legs move. Galvani thought that the current was “animal electricity”, coming from the frog’s legs themselves, while Volta thought that it was the two different metals in the circuit which produced the current.

The argument over this question became bitter, and finally destroyed the friendship between the two men. Meanwhile, to prove his point, Volta constructed the first electrical battery. This consisted of a series of dishes containing salt solution, connected with each other by bridges of metal. One end of each bridge was made of copper, while the other end was made of zinc. Thus, as one followed the circuit, the sequence was: copper, zinc, salt solution, copper, zinc, salt solution, and so on.

Volta found that when a closed circuit was formed by such an arrangement, a steady electrical current flowed through it. The more units connected in series in the battery, the stronger was the current. He next constructed a more compact arrangement, which came to be known as the “Voltaic pile”. Volta’s pile consisted of a disc of copper, a disc of zinc, a disc of cardboard soaked in salt solution, another disc of copper, another disc of zinc, another disc of cardboard soaked in salt solution, and so on. The more elements there were in the pile, the greater was the electrical potential and current which it produced. The invention of the electric battery lifted Volta to a peak of fame where he remained for the rest of his life. He was showered with honors and decorations, and invited to demonstrate his experiments to Napoleon, who made him a count and a senator of the Kingdom of Lombardy. When Napoleon fell from power, Volta adroitly shifted sides, and he continued to receive honors as long as he lived. News of the Voltaic pile spread like wildfire throughout Europe and started a series of revolutionary experiments both in physics and in chemistry. On March 20, 1800, Sir Joseph Banks, the President of the Royal Society, received a letter from Volta explaining the method of constructing batteries. On May 2 of the same year, the English chemist, William Nicholson (1755-1815), (to whom Banks had shown the letter), used a Voltaic pile to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Shortly afterwards, the brilliant young English chemist, Sir Humphrey Davy (1778-1829), constructed a Voltaic pile with more than two hundred and fifty metal plates. On October 6, 1807, he used this pile to pass a current through molten potash, liberating a previously unknown metal, which he called potassium. During the year 1808, he isolated barium, strontium, calcium, magnesium and boron, all by means of Voltaic currents.

Ørsted, Amp`ere and Faraday

In 1819, the Danish physicist, Hans Christian Ørsted (1777-1851), was demonstrating to his students the electrical current produced by a Voltaic pile. Suspecting some connection between electricity and magnetism, he brought a compass needle near to the wire carrying the current. To his astonishment, the needle turned from north, and pointed in a direction perpendicular to the wire. When he reversed the direction of the current, the needle pointed in the opposite direction.

Ørsted’s revolutionary discovery of a connection between electricity and magnetism was extended in France by Andr´e Marie Amp`ere (1775- 1836). Amp`ere showed that two parallel wires, both carrying current, repel each other if the currents are in the same direction, but they attract each other if the currents are opposite. He also showed that a helical coil of wire carrying a current produces a large magnetic field inside the coil; and the more turns in the coil, the larger the field.

The electrochemical experiments of Davy, and the electromagnetic discoveries of Ørsted and Ampère, were further developed by the great experimental physicist and chemist, Michael Faraday (1791-1867). He was one of ten children of a blacksmith, and as a boy, he had little education. At the age of 14, he was sent out to work, apprenticed to a London bookbinder. Luckily, the bookbinder sympathized with his apprentice’s desire for an education, and encouraged him to read the books in the shop (outside of working hours). Faraday’s favorites were Lavoisier’s textbook on chemistry, and the electrical articles in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

In 1812, when Michael Faraday was 21 years old, a customer in the bookshop gave him tickets to attend a series of lectures at the Royal Institution, which were to be given by the famous chemist Humphry Davy. At that time, fashionable London socialites (particularly ladies) were flocking to the Royal Institution to hear Davy. Besides being brilliant, he was also extremely handsome, and his lectures, with their dramatic chemical demonstrations, were polished to the last syllable. Michael Faraday was, of course, thrilled to be present in the glittering audience, and he took careful notes during the series of lectures.

These notes, to which he added beautiful colored diagrams, came to 386 pages. He bound the notes in leather and sent them to Sir Joseph Banks, the President of the Royal Society, hoping to get a job related to science. He received no reply from Banks, but, not discouraged, he produced another version of his notes, which he sent to Humphry Davy. Faraday accompanied his notes with a letter saying that he wished to work in science because of “the detachment from petty motives and the unselfishness of natural philosophers”. Davy told him to reserve judgement on that point until he had met a few natural philosophers, but he gave Faraday a job as an assistant at the Royal Institution.

In 1818, Humphry Davy was knighted because of his invention of the miner’s safety lamp. He married a wealthy and fashionable young widow, resigned from his post as Director of the Royal Institution, and set off on a two-year excursion of Europe, taking Michael Faraday with him. Lady Davy regarded Faraday as a servant; but in spite of the humiliations which she heaped on him, he enjoyed the tour of Europe and learned much from it. He met, and talked with, Europe’s most famous scientists; and in a sense, Europe was his university.

Returning to England, the modest and devoted Faraday finally rose to outshine Sir Humphry Davy, and he became Davy’s successor as Director of the Royal Institution. Faraday showed enormous skill, intuition and persistence in continuing the electrical and chemical experiments begun by Davy.

In 1821, a year after H.C. Ørsted’s discovery of the magnetic field surrounding a current-carrying wire, Michael Faraday made the first electric motor. His motor was simply a current-carrying wire, arranged so that it could rotate around the pole of a magnet; but out of this simple device, all modern electrical motors have developed. When asked what use his motor was, Faraday replied: “What use is a baby?” Ørsted had shown that electricity could produce magnetism; and Faraday, with his strong intuitive grasp of the symmetry of natural laws, believed that the relationship could be reversed. He believed that magnetism could be made to produce electricity. In 1822, he wrote in his notebook: “Convert magnetism to electricity”. For almost ten years, he tried intermittently to produce electrical currents with strong magnetic fields, but without success. Finally, in 1831, he discovered that a changing magnetic field would produce a current.

Faraday had wrapped two coils of wire around a soft iron ring; and he discovered that at precisely the instant when he started a current flowing in one of the coils, a momentary current was induced in the other coil. When he stopped the current in the first coil, so that the magnetic field collapsed, a momentary current in the opposite direction was induced in the second coil.

Next, Faraday tried pushing a permanent magnet in and out of a coil of wire; and he found that during the time when the magnet was in motion, so that the magnetic field in the coil was changing, a current was induced in the coil. Finally, Faraday made the first dynamo in history by placing a rotating copper disc between the poles of a magnet. He demonstrated that when the disc rotated, an electrical current flowed through a circuit connecting the center with the edge.

He also experimented with static electricity, and showed that insulating materials become polarized when they are placed in an electric field. Faraday continued the experiments on electrolysis begun by Sir Humphry Davy. He showed that when an electrical current is passed through a solution, the quantities of the chemical elements liberated at the anode and cathode are directly proportional to the total electrical charge passed through the cell, and inversely proportional to the valence of the elements. He realized that these laws of electrolysis supported Dalton’s atomic hypothesis, and that they also pointed to the existence of an indivisible unit of electrical charge.

Faraday believed (correctly) that light is an electromagnetic wave; and to prove the connection of light with the phenomena of electricity and magnetism, he tried for many years to change light by means of electric and magnetic fields. Finally, towards the end of his career, he succeeded in rotating the plane of polarization of a beam of light passing through a piece of heavy glass by placing the glass in a strong magnetic field. This phenomenon is now known as the “Faraday effect”.

Because of his many contributions both to physics and to chemistry (including the discovery of benzene and the first liquefaction of gases), and especially because of his contributions to electromagnetism and electrochemistry, Faraday is considered to be one of the greatest masters of the experimental method in the history of science. He was also a splendid lecturer. Fashionable Londoners flocked to hear his discourses at the Royal Institution, just as they had flocked to hear Sir Humphry Davy. Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, was in the habit of attending Faraday’s lectures, bringing with him Crown Prince Edward (later Edward VII).

As Faraday grew older, his memory began to fail, probably because of mercury poisoning. Finally, his unreliable memory forced him to retire from scientific work. He refused both an offer of knighthood and the Presidency of the Royal Society, remaining to the last the simple, modest and devoted worker who had first gone to assist Davy at the Royal Institution.

Maxwell and Hertz

Michael Faraday had no mathematical training, but he made up for this lack with his powerful physical intuition. He visualized electric and magnetic fields as “lines of force” in the space around the wires, magnets and electrical condensers with which he worked. In the case of magnetic fields, he could even make the lines of force visible by covering a piece of cardboard with iron filings, holding it near a magnet, and tapping the cardboard until the iron filings formed themselves into lines along the magnetic lines of force.

In this way, Faraday could actually see the magnetic field running from the north pole of a magnet, out into the surrounding space, and back into the south pole. He could also see the lines of the magnetic field forming circles around a straight current-carrying wire. Similarly, Faraday visualized the lines of force of the electric field as beginning at the positive charges of the system, running through the intervening space, and ending at the negative charges.

Meanwhile, the German physicists (especially the great mathematician and physicist, Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)), had utilized the similarity between Coulomb’s law of electrostatic force and Newton’s law of gravitation. Coulomb’s law states that the force between two point charges varies as the inverse square of the distance between them - in other words, it depends on distance in exactly the same way as the gravitational force. This allowed Gauss and the other German mathematicians to take over the whole “action at a distance” formalism of theoretical astronomy, and to apply it to electrostatics. Faraday was unhappy with the idea of action at a distance, and he expressed his feelings to James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), a brilliant young mathematician from Edinburgh who had come to visit him. The young Scottish mathematical genius was able to show Faraday that his idea of lines of force did not in any way contradict the German conception of action at a distance. In fact, when put into mathematical form, Faraday’s picture of lines of force fit beautifully with the ideas of Gauss.

During the nine years from 1864 to 1873, Maxwell worked on the problem of putting Faraday’s laws of electricity and magnetism into mathematical form. In 1873, he published A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, one of the truly great scientific classics. Maxwell achieved a magnificent synthesis by expressing in a few simple equations the laws governing electricity and magnetism in all its forms. His electromagnetic equations have withstood the test of time; and now, a century later, they are considered to be among the most fundamental laws of physics.

Maxwell’s equations not only showed that visible light is indeed and electromagnetic wave, as Faraday had suspected, but they also predicted the existence of many kinds of invisible electromagnetic waves, both higher and lower in frequency than visible light. We now know that the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation includes (starting at the low-frequency end) radio waves, microwaves, infra-red radiation, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays. All these types of radiation are fundamentally the same, except that their frequencies and wave lengths cover a vast range. They all are oscillations of the electromagnetic field; they all travel with the speed of light; and they all are described by Maxwell’s equations.

Maxwell’s book opened the way for a whole new category of inventions, which have had a tremendous impact on society. However, when the Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism was published, very few scientists could understand it. Part of the problem was that the scientists of the 19th century would have liked a mechanical explanation of electromagnetism.

Even Maxwell himself, in building up his ideas, made use of mechanical models, “..replete with ropes passing over pulleys, rolled over drums, pulling weights, or at times comprising tubes pumping water into other elastic tubes which expanded and contracted, the whole mass of machinery noisy with the grinding of interlocked gear wheels”. In the end, however, Maxwell abandoned as unsatisfactory the whole clumsy mechanical scaffolding which he had used to help his intuition; and there is no trace of mechanical ideas in his final equations. As Synge has expressed it, “The robust body of the Cheshire cat was gone, leaving in its place only a sort of mathematical grin”.

Lord Kelvin (1824-1907), a prominent English physicist of the time, was greatly disappointed because Maxwell’s theory could offer no mechanical explanation for electromagnetism; and he called the theory “a failure - the hiding of ignorance under the cover of a formula”. In Germany, the eminent physicist, Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894), tried hard to understand Maxwell’s theory in mechanical terms, and ended by accepting Maxwell’s equations without ever feeling that he really understood them.

In 1883, the struggles of von Helmholtz to understand Maxwell’s theory produced a dramatic proof of its correctness: Helmholtz had a brilliant student named Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), whom he regarded almost as a son. In 1883, the Berlin Academy of Science offered a prize for work in the field of electromagnetism; and von Helmholtz suggested to Hertz that he should try to win the prize by testing some of the predictions of Maxwell’s theory.

Hertz set up a circuit in which a very rapidly oscillating electrical current passed across a spark gap. He discovered that electromagnetic waves were indeed produced by this rapidly-oscillating current, as predicted by Maxwell! The waves could be detected with a small ring of wire in which there was a gap. As Hertz moved about the darkened room with his detector ring, he could see a spark flashing across the gap, showing the presence of electromagnetic waves, and showing them to behave exactly as predicted by Maxwell.

The waves detected by Hertz were, in fact, radio waves; and it was not long before the Italian engineer, Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), turned the discovery into a practical means of communication. In 1898, Marconi used radio signals to report the results of the boat races at the Kingston Regatta, and on December 12, 1901, using balloons to lift the antenae as high as possible, he sent a signal across the Atlantic Ocean from England to Newfoundland.

In 1904, a demonstration of a voice-carrying radio apparatus developed by Fessenden was the sensation of the St. Louis World’s Fair; and in 1909, Marconi received the Nobel Prize in physics for his development of radio communications. In America, the inventive genius of Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) and Thomas Alva Edison (1847- 1931) turned the discoveries of Faraday and Maxwell into the telephone, the electric light, the cinema and the phonograph.


Suggestions for further reading

1. W.G. Palmer, A History of the Concept of Valency to 1930, Cambridge University Press (1965).
2. F.K. Richtmeyer and E.H. Kennard, Introduction to Modern Physics, McGraw-Hill (1947).
3. E.T. Whittaker, A History of the Aether and Electricity, Cambridge University Press (1953).
4. D.K.C. Macdonald, Faraday, Maxwell and Kelvin, Heinemann, London (1964).
5. Otto Glasser, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and the Early History of Röntgen Rays, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield Illinois (1934).


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