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Usbekistans politiske partier

Aktuelle og historiske politiske partier i Usbekistan / Current and historical political parties / Actuelles et historiques des partis politiques / Los partidos políticos actuales e históricos / Aktuelle und historische politische Parteien


Political parties in Uzbekistan. / : Konur Alp Kocak. EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service, At a glance July 2015.
"Until the Very End": Politically Motivated Imprisonment in Uzbekistan. / : 2014 Human Rights Watch.
'Political repression, including the arrest, torture, and imprisonment of actual or perceived government opponents, has been a constant feature of life in Uzbekistan since Islam Karimov first became the Communist Party secretary of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic in 1989 and following independence when he became the country's president.1 While the denial of fundamental freedoms over the past two decades has been unrelenting, the government has pursued campaigns of persecution in waves. These campaigns of repression can be broken down into roughly four periods: the crackdown on the political opposition (1992-1997); the persecution of independent Muslims (1997-present); the May 13, 2005 Andijan massacre and its aftermath (2005- 2007); and the period since 2008, when authorities continued to persecute earlier targets but also focused on new perceived critics, including followers of the late Turkish theologian Said Nursi and those suspected of affiliations with Western and other governments. The campaigns have not been mutually exclusive but have overlapped with and reinforced one another.'
Se tillige: Aktuelle og historiske politiske partier i: Afghanistan ; Albanien ; Algeriet ; Andorra ; Angola ; Antigua & Barbuda ; Argentina ; Armenien ; Australien ; Aserbajdsjan ; Bahamaøerne ; Bahrain ; Bangladesh ; Barbados ; Belgien ; Belize ; Benin ; Bhutan ; Bolivia ; Bosnien-Hercegovina ; Botswana ; Brasilien ; Brunei Darussalam ; Bulgarien ; Burkina Faso ; Burundi ; Cambodia ; Cameroun ; Canada ; Den centralafrikanske republik ; Chile ; Colombia ; Comorerne ; Republikken Congo ; Costa Rica ; Cuba ; Cypern ; Danmark ; Den demokratiske republikk Congo ; Djibouti ; Dominica ; Den dominikanske republik ; Ecuador ; Egypten ; El Salvador ; Elfenbenskysten ; Eritrea ; Estland ; Etiopien ; Fiji ; Filippinerne ; Finland ; De forenede arabiske emirater ; Frankrig ; Færøerne ; Gabon ; Gambia ; Georgien ; Ghana ; Grenada ; Grækenland ; Grønland ; Guatemala ; Guinea ; Guinea-Bissau ; Guyana ; Haiti ; Holland ; Honduras ; Hviderusland ; Indien ; Indonesien ; Irak ; Iran ; Irland ; Island ; Israel ; Italien ; Jamaica ; Japan ; Jordan ; Kap Verde ; Kasakhstan ; Kenya ; Kina ; Kirgisistan ; Kiribati ; Kosovo ; Kroatien ; Kuwait ; Laos ; Lesotho ; Letland ; Libanon ; Liberia ; Libyen ; Liechtenstein ; Litauen ; Luxembourg ; Madagaskar ; Makedonien, Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien ; Malawi ; Malaysia ; Maldiverne ; Mali ; Malta ; Marokko ; Marshalløerne ; Mauretanien ; Mauritius ; Mexico ; Mikronesien ; Moldova ; Monaco ; Mongoliet ; Montenegro ; Mozambique ; Myanmar / Burma ; Namibia ; Nauru ; Nepal ; New Zealand ; Nicaragua ; Niger ; Nigeria ; Nordkorea ; Norge ; Oman ; Pakistan ; Palau ; Palæstina ; Panama ; Papua Ny Guinea ; Paraguay ; Peru ; Polen ; Portugal ; Qatar ; Rumænien ; Rusland ; Rwanda ; Saint Kitts & Nevis ; Saint Lucia ; Saint Vincent & Grenadinerne ; Salomonøerne ; Samoa ; San Marino ; Sao Tomé & Principe ; Saudi-Arabien ; Schweiz ; Senegal ; Serbien ; Seychellerne ; Sierra Leone ; Singapore ; Slovakiet ; Slovenien ; Somalia ; Spanien ; Sri Lanka ; Storbritannien ; Sudan ; Surinam ; Sverige ; Swaziland ; Sydafrika ; Sydkorea ; Sydsudan ; Syrien ; Tadjikistan ; Taiwan ; Tanzania ; Tchad ; Thailand ; Tjekkiet ; Togo ; Tonga ; Trinidad & Tobago ; Tunesien ; Turkmenistan ; Tuvalu ; Tyrkiet ; Tyskland ; Uganda ; Ukraine ; Ungarn ; Uruguay ; USA: aktuelle politiske partier ; ophørte politiske partier ; Vanuatu ; Vatikanstaten ; Venezuela ; Vietnam ; Yemen ; Zambia ; Zimbabwe ; Ækvatorial Guinea ; Østrig ; Østtimor.

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