Nogle navne |
1600-tallet: George Fox
(grundlægger). Robert
Barclay (teologi). William
Penn, (grundlægger af Pennsylvanien. Skrev om et
forenet Europa). Alle England.
1700tallet: John Woolman (USA:
mod slaveri, lotteri, for arbejderbeskyttelse og anstændig
behandling af indianerne).
1800tallet: Elizabeth Fry (England:
fængselsreformer i flere lande), Joseph Lister (England og
Skotland: kirurg).
1900tallet: Emil Fuchs (Tyskland); Thomas Kelly (USA:
Q-mystiker); Pierre Ceresole (Schweiz:
International Civil Service. Desuden fredsvidnesbyrd i
Nazi-Tyskland). Rufus Jones (USA: teologi); Joan Baez, (protestsangerinde);
Adam Curle (England: international fredsmægler).
Se også: Irwin Abrams,
Jane Addams, Devere Allen, William Allen, Joseph G.
Alexander, Lavinia Baily, Emely Greene Balch, Anthony
Benezet, Bjørg Berg, Joshua Pollard Blanchard, John
Brodie, Elise Boulding ;
Kenneth Boulding, John Bright, John Brocklesby
(efter første verdenskrig), Alex Bryan, Sydney
Carter, Corder Catchpool,
Richard Cobden, Vanessa Di Domenico, Jonathan
Dymond, Arthur Eddington, Margaret Fell, Carol
Santander Ferrnandez, Tom Fox, the German Emergency
Committee of the Society of Friends, Agatha Harrison, Carl Heath, Regnar
Halfdan-Nielsen, historiske
fredskirker ; Henry Hodgkin, Ham Sok Hon, The International Committee for
India, Eglantine Jebb, William
Jones, Fay Honey Knopp, Valarie
Liveoak, Alfred Henry Love, Thomas Lurting,
Mills, Harry Mister,
Abraham Johannes Muste,
Philiph Noel-Baker, O. F. Olden, Priscilla Hannah Peckover, Robert
Peel, Israel Pemberton,
Pendle Hill, Pendle Hill Peace Network, Ove
Petersen, Hugh Richardson ;
Joseph Tragellance Price, Cyrus Pringle,
Eleanor Jo (Joey) Rodger, Joshua Rowntree, Job Scott, Deryck Siven,
Julius Thorvald Stevnsborg, Charles David Tauber ; Joseph Sturge, Per
Sundberg, Elise Thomsen,
Will Warren, Frederick Wheeler, John
Wilmerding, Gerrad Winstanley, Katherine Van
Arkiv: Rigsarkivet. Dansk hjemmeside:
Litteratur |
Q har fra begyndelsen skrevet åndelige dagbøger og
vidnesbyrd over afdøde Q's liv; teologiske skrifter;
praktiske bøger om for eks. andagt og fredsarbejde, digte,
enkelte romaner: Beecher Stowe: Onkel Toms Hytte; Dreiser:
Bolværket; deHartog: The Peaceable Kingdom (1972 - ISBN 241
02186 3).
Film: Friendly Persuasion - Folket i den lykkelige Dal.
Hovedinspiration er Q-erfaringer og rådgivning fra over 350
år, nedfældet i Quaker Faith and Practice (Book of
Forhandler af engelske kvækerbøger:
Friends Book Centre, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ,
Litteratur af kvækere |
Terp, Holger:
Fredsbevægelsens historie : en
Catalog of Old Quaker Writings (17th, 18th, and 19th
Centuries) Currently in Print or Online : a bibliography by
Licia and Larry Kuenning showing books, pamphlets,
letters, and other documents written by members of the Society of
Friends during its early and middle periods.
The Quaker Testimony for Peace:
Archival Resources at Swarthmore College. Swarthmore College Peace
Collection. Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College.
Barclay, Robert:
Uddrag af Apology (1692)
Chabarek, Peter: Bringing The
War Back Home : Eugene Resisters Shut Down Recruitment
Dymond, Jonathan: an inquiry into the accordancy of war
with the principles of Christianity, and an examination of the
philosophical reasoning by which it is defended, with observations
on some of the causes of war and on some of its
- London : , 1823-24.
- http://www.qhpress.org/texts/dymond/index.html
Fox, George: Journal (mange udgaver).
Fuchs, Emil: Christ in Catastrophe. Pendle Hill pamphlet #
Hansen & Heid m.fl.: Glimt fra dansk
kvækerhistorie : 100 års jubilæumsskrift.
Kelly, Thomas: A Testament of Devotion (mange udgaver). Det
indre Lys (1983).
Jackson, John: Reflections on peace and
- Philadelphia: T. E. Chapman, No. 74 North Fourth Street.
Report of the committee of the Meeting for sufferings, to
advise and assist such Friends as might be drafted for military
service. Also the report of the committee for the gradual
improvement and civilization of the Indian natives, 1865
- http://www.archive.org/details/reportofcommitte00frie
Woolman, John: Journal of JW (mange udgaver). Svensk oversættelse: Dagbok och
Essäer (Artos 1993, - ISBN 91 7580 085-3).
Litteratur om kvækere |
Dictionary of Quaker Biography.
Brinton, H.: Friends for 300 Years (afsnittet International
Cartland, Fernando G.: Southern Heroes, or the Friends in War
Time. - Cambridge : The Riverside Press, 1895. - 480 s.
Gorman, George H.: Introducing Quakers. (1969). Kvekerne :
En innføring (Oslo 1972. - ISBN 82 09 00062 4) (Kort og
Margaret E.: The Quakers in Peace and War : An Account of
their Peace Principle and Practice.
- London : The Swarthmore Press, 1924. - 560 s.
Det indre Lys : et Indblik i Kvækertroen. / : Aksel J.
- København [William Jessens Bogtrykkeri] : Forlaget "Nye
Veje", 1931.
Jahn, G.: Drawing on Sources Eternal (om Nobelprisen
Jones, Rufus: Kvækernes Tro og Virke (1941, 1953).
Kvækerne i Danmark: Træk af kvækerdommens danske historie fra svenskekrigene til coronakrisen (1657-2020). / : Niels Kjær.. Books on Demand, 2020.
- men hva sier du selv? (Kvekerforlagets småskrifter
nr 22).
Neave Brayshaw, A.: The Quakers : Their Story and their
Mission (1921).
Otto, H.: Werden u.Wesen des Quäkertums in Deutschland
(Sensen-Verlag.Wien 1972)
Pickvance, T.J.: Peace with Equity (NordIrland).
Quaker Faith and Practice. Mange reviderede udgaver. Seneste
1998. - ISBN 0 85245 306X (paperback) - ISBN 0 85245 307 8 (ib)
A brief account of many of the prosecutions of the people call'd
Quakers : in the Exchequer, Ecclesiastical, and other courts,
for demands recoverable by the acts made in the 7th and 8th years
of the reign of King William the Third, for the more easie recovery
of tithes, church-rates, &c.. / : Joseph Besse, 1683?-1757,
editor. - London : Printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle,
1736. - 218 s.
- http://archive.org/details/briefaccountofma00bess
Warren, Will: A Scrapbook (NordIrland. Mange
boghenvisninger). London 1983.
Kväkar Tidskrift (svensk).
Kvekeren (norsk)