
Begrænsning af begrebet, afrustning, idet nedrustning i sig selv ikke er en total afskaffelse af al militarisme og militær kapacitet, men kun dele heraf. Der kan være tale om almindelig demobilisering efter krig, traktater eller aftaler om regulering, fastfrysning eller formindskelse af visse former for krigsmateriel, våbenkontrolaftaler, aftaler om forholdsregler til at forhindre krig, og fastsættelse af status quo for områder uden militær kapacitet, eksempelvis atomvåbenfri zoner og neutrale lande. Næsten alle former for militær kapacitet, bortset fra hemmelig krigsmateriel og efterretningsvirksomhed, er genstand for forhandlinger om nedrustning. Nedrustningsaftaler skal verificeres for at sikre, at de stater som underskriver traktater også overholder dem.
Kvindernes internationale nedrustningsdag er 24. maj
Se ABM-traktaten; afvæbning ; Beaufort's Dyke ; Center for Nonproliferation Studies ; deeskalering ; demontere ; dismantle ; dual use ; ENDC ; INF-traktaten ; irreversibilitet ; Missile Technology Control Regime; moratorium ; Nedrustningsudvalget ; ny ; omstilling ; Operation CHASE ; Parlamentarians for Global Action ; SALT ; SIPRI ; START ; START II; udfasning ; våbenkontrol ; World Disarmament Campaign.


FNs The Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters.
The Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (OPANAL).
The Commission for the South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone.
The Conference on Disarmament.
Ecconomists Allied for Arms Reduction.
Federation of American Scientists.
FNs Nedrustningskommission / UN Disarmament Commission.
The Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.
International Action Network on Small Arms Transfers.
Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers.
"one million faces" kampagnen.
The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.
Projekt ISOLUS ; Rosyth - East England (Scotland) - Centre for the Study of Environmental Change Lancaster University
(Nedrustning af ældre britiske atomubåde).
The South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation.
The United Nations Department for Disarmament Affaires.
The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.


Everts, Philip: Nedrustningskampagne? Sådan!
- København : Forsoningsforbundet, 1980.
Hørup, Ellen: Disarmament or Rearmament.
Adler, David Jens: 18-magtskonferencens perspektiver. Kampagnen mod Atomvåben, 196?. - 37 s.
Disarmament : A periodical review of the United Nations 1977-.
Nedrustning : Genvej eller blindvej til fred? / Erik Seidenfaden ; David Jens Adler.
Gyldendal, 1962. - 227 s.
Myrdal, Alva: The Game of Disarmament : How the United States & Russia Run the Arms Race. 1982.
- ISBN 0-394-70649-8.
Noel-Baker, Philiph: The Arms Race. - London : John Calder, 1958. - 603 s.
Recovery and Recycling of Aluminum, Copper, and Precious Metals from Dismantled Weapon Components / J. D. Lutz and W.T. Wheelis. , 1995. - 20 s.
'In general, the ongoing dismantlement of nuclear weapon hardware represents a material stream totaling some 100 to 300 tons of material per year for 10 to 15 years, exclusive of the "physics package" and the aeroshell. This material stream is roughly 30% aluminum, 10% copper, 10% ferrous, 1% precious metals, 25% other metals and inorganics, and 25% organics.'
Torm, Uffe: Den vanskelige vej til nedrustning : Status efter FNs ekstraordinære generalforsamling om nedrustning.
- København : FN-forbundet, 1979. - 36 s.
Towards a New Security : Lessons of the Forrty Years Since Trinity. Union of Concerned Scientists, 1985. - 73 s.
United Nations: Report of the Disarmament Commission for 2003. - ISSN 0251-7892 ;
General Assembly Official Records Fifty-eighth Session Supplement No. 42 (A/58/42).
32 Nobels Appeal on Nuclear Weapons Operating Status.
Wehberg, Hans, The limitation of armaments : a collection of the projects proposed for the solution of the problem, preceded by an historical introduction.
- Washington, Carnige Endowment for International Peace, 1921. - 104 s.
Den tyske folkeretsekspert og Nobelfredsprismodtager Hans Wehberg beskriver bl.a. nedrustningsforhandlingernes histoie.
Wittner, Lawrence S.: Does the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Have a Future?

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