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Litteratur |
Alvarez, Alejandro: International law and related subjects
from the point of view of the American continent; a report on
lecture delivered in the universities of the United States,
1916-1918, under the auspices of the Carnegie endowment for
international peace, including a comparative study of the
universities of Latin America and the United States (1922).
UC Berkeley Student Government Passes Resolution to Ban Urban
Shield Trainings
A resolution urging the end of militarized police trainings from
the University of California Police Department passed unanimously
Wednesday night.
/ : Sydney Johnson, Friday, february 26, 2016.
The Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC)
approved a resolution Wednesday night that recommends banning the
University of California Police Department (UCPD) from taking part
in highly militarized Urban Shield trainings.
The resolution, which was passed unanimously by the ASUC Senate,
called for the “cessation of UCPD participation in, and
funding for participation in, Urban Shield competitions, vendor
expos, and seminars.” It stated that under the resolution,
various campus officials, including the ASUC External Affairs vice
president, the UC Berkeley Police Department chief, the vice
chancellor of Student Affairs, and the Police Review Board will
work together “to ensure the detrimental effects of Urban
Shield are not found on our campus and to work on reforming
policies to train UCPD effectively.”
Urban Shield is a full-scale regional preparedness exercise funded
by the Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI), a project
financed by the US Department of Homeland Security. It assesses the
Bay Area UASI Region's response capabilities within
multi-discipline procedures, organization, planning, policies,
equipment and training. During the Urban Shield trainings,
participants are allowed to use military grade weapons, gear, and
munitions, much of which is available for purchase at event’s
vendor show