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Amerikansk rock musik

American Rock Music

10.000 Maniacs
Allman Brothers Band
Arthur Crudup
B.B. King. Riley B. King 1925-2015, blues musician, singer and songwriter.
B.B. King & Friends
B.B. King Orchestra
The Band Canadian-American roots rock group gradually coming together from 1960 to 1964 as Ronnie Hawkins' band The Hawks. Upon leaving Hawkins in 1964, they were briefly known as Levon And The Hawks. In 1965, they released a single under the name Canadian Squires. In late summer 1965, Bob Dylan was looking for a backup band for his first U.S. "electric" tour, & Levon and the Hawks were recommended by blues singer John P. Hammond.
Bee Gees
Billy Joel. William Martin Joel 1949-.
The Emerald Lords
The Hassles
The Lost Souls
USA For Africa
Bruce Springsteen 1949-. -
Bruce Springsteen & The E-Street Band
United Against Apartheid
USA For Africa
Buffalo Springfield
Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry & His Combo
Crosby, Still, Nash & Young 1969-.
The Doors. Rock band formed in 1965 in Los Angeles, CA and disbanded in 1973.
Earth, Wind & Fire. Soul funk band. Founded in Chicago, Illinois, in 1971.
Fats Domino
Frank Zappa 1940-1993, composer, lyricist, songwriter, guitarist, vocalist, bandleader, conductor, producer and filmmaker.
Frank's Mothers Of Invention
Gene Vincent 1935-1971, rockabilly musician
The Isley Brothers
Isis 1997-.
Janis Joplin 1943-1970, sanger
Big Brother & The Holding Company
Full Tilt Boogie Band
Kozmic Blues Band
Jefferson Airplane. Rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1965.
Jerry Lee Lewis
Musikeksempler: 36 Rock & Roll Hits Excellence De Luxe Excel 269 2001
Jimi Hendrix 1942-1970, guitarist, komponist og sangskriver
Musikeksempel. Protest mod Vietnamkrigen: Machine Gun (Requiem For Fred Hampton and Mark Clark) Jimi Hendrix & A Band Of Gypsy Fillmore East Theater 1970.
Band Of Gypsys
Curtis Knight & The Squires
Gypsy Sun And Rainbows
Jimi Hendrix Experience
John Lee Hooker 1917-2001, Blues singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Johnny and the Hurricanes. Instrumental rock & roll band formed in 1958 in Toledo, OH, USA and disbanded in 2006 after the death of founder and bandleader Johnny Paris aka John Pocisk, the only constant member of the band.
Musikeksempler: Red River Rock Warwick W2007 1960
Lawrence Eugene "Larry" Williams (May 10, 1935 – January 7, 1980), rhythm and blues and rock and roll singer, songwriter, producer, and pianist from New Orleans, Louisiana. Williams is best known for writing and recording some rock and roll classics from 1957 to 1959 for Specialty Records, including "Bony Moronie", "Short Fat Fannie", "High School Dance" (1957), "Slow Down", "Dizzy Miss Lizzy" (1958), "Bad Boy" and "She Said Yeah" (1959).
Little Feat
Little Richard
Lou Reed
The Louisiana Gator Boys
Marvin Gaye. Singer-songwriter and musician with a three-octave vocal range, born April 2, 1939 in Washington, D.C., USA, died April 1, 1984.
Muddy Waters. McKinley Morganfield 1915-1983, blues musician.
Neil Young. Neil Percival Young. Born November 12, 1945 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. US-based vocalist / songwriter who plays guitar, keyboards and harmonica. Also active on environmental and political issues.
Buffalo Springfield
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
The Dirty Old Men
The Ducks
The Mynah Birds
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Neil Young, Crazy Horse And The Bullets
Northern Lights
The Squires
The Stills-Young Band
The Volume Dealers
The Wyatt Earps
Pearl Jam 1990-.
Paul Butterfield 1942-1987, blues vocalist and one of the first blues harp players to cross over to rock.
Paul Butterfield's Blues Band
Smashing Pumpkins 1988-.
Ry Cooder. Se: Folkemusik.
The Velvet Underground. Rock band, active between 1964 and 1973, formed in New York City by Lou Reed and John Cale.
Andy Warhol's Velvet Underground
Lou Reed's Velvet Underground
The Ventures, instrumental rock group formed in 1958 by Bob Bogle and Don Wilson in Tacoma, Washington.
Musikeksempler: Hawaiian War Chant
Secret Agent Man
American rock music groups

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