- Geografi ; natur
; klima ; demografi ;
historie ; ophørte fredsbevægelser ; krige
; kultur ;
biblioteker ; kunst ; film; musik ; musikorganisationer ;
folkemusik ; jazz ;
pop ; rock ;
musiklitteratur ; politik:
indenrigspolitik ; udenrigspolitik ; præsidenter ;
regering ; lovgivende forsamling ; valg ; militær ;
kernevåben ;
efterretningstjenester ; aktuelle politiske
partier 2010 ; aktuelle
fredsbevægelser ;
militærnægterorganisationer ;
religion ; aktuelle sociale
bevægelser ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ;
universiteter ; økonomi ; våbenhandel.
- Ophørte amerikanske sociale bevægelser
og politiske organisationer
- Discontinued American social movements
and political organizations
- Abandonnées américaine mouvements sociaux
et des organisations politiques
- Aufgegebene amerikanischen sozialen Bewegungen
und politischen Organisationen
A | B | C | D | E
| F | G | H | I | J
| K | L | M | N | O
| P | Q | R | S | T
| U | V | W | X | Y
| Z
- Abalone Alliance, San Francisco, CA, 1977-1985.
Se også: Sanderson Beck
- http://www.energy-net.org/AA.HTM
- Abelard Camp, Inc., 1966-1967
- Abolish Peonage Committee, 1940-1941
- Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 1936-1969
- Abu Ein Defense Committee
- Action Against Apartheid, 1964
- Action Committee to Crush Columbia Racism, 1970?
- Accion International
- Accuracy In Media, 1977-?
- Action Committee to Free Spain Now, 1946
- Action-Communication Center, 1968
- Action Coordinating Committee to End Segregation in The
Suburbs, 1967
- Action Coordinating Council, 1969
- Action for Forgotten Women, 1975
- Action for Human Welfare, 1948-1955
- Action for Women in Chile, 1980
- Action for Youth, 1964
- Actors Equity Association, 1942-1963
- Ad Hoc Citizens Committee for Community Control, 1969
- Ad Hoc Committee for a Free Election in the Dominican Republic,
- Ad Hoc Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Party, USA,
- Ad Hoc Committee for a Safe Boston Harbor
- Ad Hoc Committee for the Cleveland Taft-Hartley Conspiracy Case
Appeal, 1958-1961
- Ad Hoc Faculty Committee for Federal Prosecution in Alabama,
- Ad Hoc Coastal Counties Supervisors Committee on Nuclear Waste
CA - se Farallon Island Radioactive Waste Dump
- Ad Hoc Committee of Lawyers for Justice, 1969
- Ad Hoc Committee on Cuba, 1961
- Ad Hoc Committee on Emergency Food to Fight Hunger in The
United States, 1967
- Ad Hoc Committee on Protest for Polish Political Freedom,
- Ad Hoc Committee on The Triple Revolution, 1964
- Ad Hoc Committee to Abolish The House Un-American Activities
Committee, 1962-1966
- Ad Hoc Committee to Combat Fascism, 1964
- Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination, 1963-1966
- Ad Hoc Committee to Preserve Right to Picket, 1960-1962
- Ad Hoc Committee to Protest Police Brutality
- Ad Hoc Committee to Support Irish Political Prisoners,
- Adult Community Movement for Equality, 1966
- Advisory Committee on Refugees and Displaced Persons,
- Africa Fund, 1976-1985
- African Aid Committee, 1949
- African Freedom Movement, 1966
- African Nationalist Pioneer Movement, 1966
- African Nationalists of America, 1966
- Afro-American Action Committee, 1968
- Afro-American Black People's Federation, 1968
- Afro-American Cultural Foundation, 1969
- Afro-American Defense Fund, 1967
- Afro-American Heritage Association, 1959-1969
- Afro-American Society, 1968-1969
- Afro-American Union, 1969
- Afro-American Unity Movement, 1967-1968
- Afro-American Youth Council, 1964-1969
- Afro-American Youth Movement, 1966-1967
- Afro-Americans for Black Liberation, 1969
- Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Council, 1959
- Agent Orange Veterans' Advisory Committee, 1980-?
- Agudas Israel of America
- Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, Inc., 1952
- Albany Movement, 1964-1966
- Alianza Hispana
- Alert Americans Association, 1963-1965
- Algic Defense Committee
- All America Anti-Imperialist League, 1928
- All-American Conference to Combat Communism
- All Harlem Youth Conference, 1938
- All Slav Unity League
- All Southern Conference for Civil and Trade Union Rights,
- Alliance for Action, 1965
- Alliance for Labor Action, 1969-1970
- Alliance for Police and Community Accountability, Portland, OR,
- Alliance for Prison Justice, Burlington, VT, 2004
- Alliance for Survival, Los Angeles, CA, 1978-2006. Del af
Abalone Alliance
- Alliance of Atomic Veterans, Topock, AZ, 1975-1996. Se
også: International Alliance Of Atomic Veterans
- Allied Voters Against Coudert, 1942
- Allston-Brighton Committee on Central America
- Ambijan Committee for Emergency Aid to The Soviet Union,
- American Action Inc.
- American Alliance
- American Anti-Imperialist League 1898-1919. Se også:
New England Anti-Imperialist League senere the Anti-Imperialist
League. Se tillige: Jane Addams, Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain og
Fanny Garrison Villard
- American Anti-Slavery Society - 1835, se bl.a.:
Women Organized Against Slavery, 1688-1870 (2003) .
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 1981-1989
- American Artists Congress
- American Association for a Democratic Germany, 1945-1946
- American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, 1927-? -
'The United States not being a Christian nation and its godless
Constitution requiring a secular government, the American
Association for the Advancement of Atheism demands: Taxation of
church property, Removal of 'In God We Trust' from coins and of the
Cross from above the Flag, Secularization of marriage, with divorce
upon request'...
- American Association for Economic Freedom
- American Association for China Famine and Flood Relief
- American Association for Labor Legislation
- American Association for Old Age Security
- American Association to Combat Fascism, Racism, and
Anti-Semitism, 1968-1970
- American Authors Society, 1946-1947
- American China Policy Association Inc., 1928-1957
- American Citizens in Action, 1958
- American Citizens Protective Association
- American Citizenship Foundation
- American Citizens Union, 1981?-?
- American Coalition of New York, 1953-1959
- American Coalition Of Patriotic Societies, 19620-1970?
- American commission on conditions in Ireland
- American committee for the celebration of the one hundredth
anniversary of peace among English speaking peoples, 1914-1915
- American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters,
- American Committee for Anti-Nazi German Seamen, 1938-1939
- American Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature, 1939
- American Committee for Armenian Rights, 1946
- American Comittee for Christian Refugees, 1934-?
- American Committee for Defense of British Homes
- American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky, 1937
- American Committee for Democracy and Freedom in Greece,
- American Committee for Democratic and Intellectual Freedom,
- American Committee for the Fourth International, 1965-1968
- American Committee for France and Algeria, 1962
- American Committee for Free Yugoslavia, 1944
- American Committee for Hungarian War Refugees, Inc.,
- American Committee for Indonesian Independence, 1946
- American Committee for Italian Democracy
- American Committee for Justice in the Middle East, 1970
- American Committee for Liberation, 1959-1962
- American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism, Inc.,
- American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese
Aggression, 1937-1941 - America's share in Japan's war guilt, 1938.
Shall America stop arming Japan?, 1940
- American Committee For Protection Of Foreign Born,
- American Committee for Relief in Ireland
- American Committee for the Relief of German Needy, Inc.,
- American Committee for Spanish Freedom, 1945-1946
- American Committee for Yugoslav Relief, Inc., 1945-1947
- American Committee on Africa, 1957-1981?
- American Committee On U.S. - Soviet Relations
- American Committee To Free Cuba Inc., 1963?
- American Committee to Keep Biafra Alive, Inc., 1968-1969
- American Committee to Save Refugees, 1941
- American Commonwealth Federation
- American Communist Worker's Movement
- American Conservative Union, 1965-1974
- America's Corporate Conscience Awards, 1988
- American Council Against Nazi Propaganda, Inc., 1939
- American Council for a Democratic Greece, 1947-1948
- American Council for Nationalities Service, 1961
- American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service,
1944?-1945? - herunder: Committee on Displaced Persons; National
Catholic Welfare Conference, War Relief Services; American Friends
Service Committee; International Rescue and Relief Committee;
International Migration Service
- American Council For World Freedom, 1975?-?
- American Council on Ireland, 1918-1919
- American Council on Race Relations, 1945-1950
- American Council on Public Affairs
- American Council on Soviet Relations, 1938-1941
- American Council to Combat Nazi Invasion, 1939
- American Crusade to End Lynching, 1946
- American Defenders
- American Defenders of Freedom
- American Defense Society Inc., 1927-1961
- American Discussion League, Inc.
- American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees,
- American Democratic National Committee se former secretary of
war Harry H. Woodring
- American Democratic Political Action Committee, 1984
- American Economic Association
- American Economists' Council for the Study of Branch
- American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees, Inc.,
- American Emigrants League, 1963
- American Ethical Union se Encampment for Citizenship
- American Federation of Labor, 1934-1956, herunder American
Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
- American Federation of Youth, New York, 1926-?.
- American Financiers Investigation and Protective League
- American First Commitees
- American Flag Committee, 1952-1959
- American Forum of Chicago, 1959
- American Forward Movement
- American Foundation for Negro Affairs, 1968
- American Foundation for Overseas Blind, Inc., 1951
- American Foundation for Social Justice
- American
Freedom Convention, 1919-?
- American Freedom Fund
- American Friends of Aid to Russia
- American Friends of Albania
- American Friends of Chinese People
- American Friends Of Captive Nations, 1960?-?
- American Friends of Cuba Association, 1966
- American Friends of Danish Freedom and Democracy
- American Friends of German Freedom
- American Friends of Greece, 1943
- American Friends of India, 1947-1948
- American Friends of Norway, Inc., 1944-?
- American Friends of Polish Democracy
- American Friends of Slovak Freedom, 1948
- American Friends of Spanish Democracy, 1936-1946
- American Friends of the Captive Nations, 1956-1958
- American Friends of The Chinese People, 1937-1941
- American Friends of The Middle East, 1955-1957
- American Friends of The Soviet Union, 1937
- American Fund for Political Prisoners and Refugees, 1938
- American Fund for Public Service eller the Garland Fund, New
York, 1921-1941 -
Se også: Charles Garland. Gloria Garrett Samson : The
American Fund for Public Service : Charles Garland and Radical
Philanthropy, 1922-1941. - Westport, Connecticut ; London :
Greenwood Press ; Contributions in Labor Studies, Number 46). 1996.
- 274 pp. Arkiv: New York Public Library.
- http://catalog.nypl.org/record=b11652257
- American Guild for German Cultural Freedom, 1937
- American Heritage Protective Committee, 1956
- American Humanics Foundation, 1965-1966
- American Independence League, 1915?-1919? også kaldet
League for the Preservation of American Independence - ledet af
Colonel Henry Watterson, Kentucky - Protest to Jersey Banks;
American Independence League of Passaic Country Opposes Credit to
Allies: 'Thou shall not kill'. I: The New York Times,
September 19, 1915
- American Independent Movement, 1967-1969
- American Indian Fund, 1955-1960
- American Irish Defense Association
- American Irish Minutemen of 1949, 1949
- American-Israeli Civil Liberties Coalition, Inc.,
- American Joint Council Against Soviet Tyranny, 1951
- American-Korean Friendship and Information Center,
- American Labor Committee to Aid British Labor, 1947
- American Labor Conference on International Affairs, 1948
- American League Against Communism
- American League for a Free Palestine Inc.
- American League for Good Government
- American League for India's Freedom
- American League to Abolish Capital Punishment, 1938
- American Liberal Association, 1961
- American Liberation Front, 1969
- American Liberation League, New York, 1966- se også the
May 2nd Movement og the Afro-American Liberation League, 1982
- American Liberty Defence League
- American Medical Relief for Italy
- American National Vigilantes Intelligence League
- American Nationalist Committee
- American Near East Refugee Aid, 1970
- American Negro Labor Conference, 1932
- American Nordic Aryan Federation
- American Overseas Aid and U.N. Appeal for Children
- American Palestine Committee se også American Christian
Palestine Committee
- American Patriots, Inc., 1938-1948
- American Patriots for Freedom, 1966
- American People's Fund, Inc., 1942-1943
- American People's Mobilization for Victory over Fascism,
- American Polish Labor Council, 1945
- American Protective League
- American Proportional Representation League, 1919
- American Pushkin Committee
- American Relief for Czechoslovakia, Inc., 1944-?
- American Relief for Germany
- American Relief for Greek Democracy, 1945-1947
- American Relief for Norway, Inc., 1944?-1945?
- American Relief of Greek Democracy
- American Relief Ship for Spain, 1938
- American Relief to Austria, Inc., 1945-?
- American Republican Army, 1961
- American Revolution Two, 1969
- American Revolutionary Movement, 1966
- American Round Table on India
- American Russian Cultural Association, 1945, herunder American
Russian Institute
- American-Russian Relief Committee, 1921-1923
- American Secular Union, herunder Freethought Federation of
America, 1894-?
- American Slav Congress, 1942-1955
- American Social Credit Movement, 1942
- American Socialist Organizing Committee, 1965-1966
- American Socialist Society
- American Society for China Inc.
- American Society for Cultural Relations with Italy, Inc.,
- American Society for Cultural Relations with Russia
- American Society for the Study of The German Democratic
Republic, 1969
- American Society for Russian Relief, 1945-1946
- American Society for Technical Aid to Spanish Democracy,
- American Society to Defend Children, 1964-1965
- American Soviet Friendship Committee
- American-Soviet Medical Society, 1946
- American-Southern Africa Council, 1965
- American Spanish Aid Committee eller United American Spanish
Aid Committee, San Francisco, 1940-?
- American Sponsoring Committee Against Nazi Outrages
- American Travel Association, 1971-1972
- American Union for Democracy
- American Unity League Inc.
- American Vigilance Intelligence Federation, 1938
- American War Dads
- American Women Against Communism
- American Youth Congress, 1935-1940
- American Youth for Democracy, 1947?
- American Youth for a Free World, 1943-1954
- American Youth for Political Action, 1951
- American Youth Protective League
- Americans Against Union Control of Government, 1969
- Americans Concerned About South Africa
- Americans for Constitutional Action, 1961-1968
- Americans for Democracy in the Middle East, 1967
- Americans for Democratic Action, 1955-1962
- Americans for Effective Law Enforcement
- Americans for Middle East Understanding, Inc.
- Americans for Peace
- Anglo-Saxon Federation of Americans
- Anti Communist Book Committee, 1960-1964
- Anti-Communist Committee, 1947-1969
- Anti-Communist League of the Americas, 1968-1969
- Anti Communist Liaison, 1964
- Anti-Complicity Movement, 1968
- Anti-Fascist Front, 1969
- Anti-Imperialist League of New York, 1900-?
- Anti-Imperialist League of the United States, 1933
- Anti-Nazi Committee of Yorkville
- Anti-Nazi Federation, 1936
- Anti-Nazi Federation of New York
- Anti-Nuclear Reaction, 1980
- Anti-Saloon League of America
- A. Philip Randolph Institute, 1968-1971
- April 26 Coalition for a Non-Nuclear World ,1979
- Arab American Community of Richmond
- Arabs and Jews for a Democratic Palestine
- Architects and Planners in Support of Nicaragua
- Architects, Designers, Planners for Social Responsibility,
senere del af Professionals' Coalition for Nuclear Arms
- Architects for Social Responsibility
- Arlington Central America Committee
- Asia Information Group, 1971
- Armenian Relief Corps, Inc., 1945-?
- Asian-American Political Alliance, 1970-1972
- Asian Information Office
- Assassination Information Bureau, 1977
- Assata Shakur Defense Committee, 1976
- Assembly of Captive European Nations, 1959-1966
- Assembly of Unrepresented People, 1965-1968
- Association Democratique Haitienne, 1945
- Association for Human Emergence, Inc., 1967
- Association for Improvement of Mental Hospitals, Inc.,
- Association for Sane Psychiatric Practices, 1969
- Association for the Preservation of Freedom of Choice, Inc.,
- Association for the Protection of American Rights, 1964
- Association of American Indian Affairs, Inc., 1950-1965
- Association of Free Germans, Inc.
- Association of the Greek Community, 1947
- Association of Women of El Salvador
- Atlantans Concerned for El Salvador
- Atlantic Union Committee, 1954
- Austin Women's Peace House, 1985-.
- Axis Victims League, 1947
- Baltimore Independent Socialist Union, 1967
- Bay Area Coalition for Chile, 1976
- Belgian War Relief Society, Inc., 1944-?
- Better America Federation
- Better World Society, 1985-1987?
- Bhopal Action Resource Center, 1988-2005 Se: Council on
International and Public Affairs, 1954-2005. Arkiv: Elmer Holmes
Bobst Library, New York. -
- Big Mountain Legal Defense eller Offense Committee,
- Bill of Rights Foundation, 1976-1996?
- Black Community Information Center, Seattle, WA, 1970
- Blacks For Family Values
- Bolshevik League of the United States
- Boston Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
- Boston Area Network on Central America
- Boston Coalition for the Liberation of Southern Africa,
- Boston Committee for Health Rights in Central America
- Boston Committee for Medical Aid to El Salvador
- Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society,
1833-1844? - Annual report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery
Society (1836).
http://www.archive.org/details/annualreportofbo1836bost og
Se også: A vindication of female anti-slavery
1. Address to the friends of liberty -- 2. The constitution of the
American Anti-Slavery Society -- 3. Constitution of the Baptist
Anti-slavery Society, Providence -- 4. British and Foreign
AntiSlavery Society -- 5. A vindication of female anti-slavery
associations -- 6. Constitution of the ... Anti-Slavery Society --
7. Work for abolitionists!! -- 8.
Constitution of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society -- 9. An
apology for abolitionists -- 10. The constitution of the
Pennsylvania Society, for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and
the relief of free Negroes (1787) -- 11. The constitution of the
Pennsylvania Society, for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and
the relief of Free Negroes (1788).
- Boston Female Asylum, 1800-?
- Boston Forum on Global Understanding
- Boston Human Rights Commission
- Boston Rainbow Coalition
- Bread and Roses Cultural Project, Inc., 1978-1994
- Bread for the World, 1990
- Brecht Forum, 1986-1996
- Bridge Fund of New York Inc., 1996
- Bruce Beyer Defense Committee
- Bureau of National Affairs
- California Families United, 1974-1976?
- Californians Against Political Corruption, 1996-?
- Calvert Social Investment Fund, 1985-1988
- Cambrideport Central America Committee
- Cambridge Forum
- Camden 28 Defense Committee
- Campaign for America's Future, 1996
- Campaign California, 1988
- Campaign for a Democratic Foreign Policy, 1975-1978
- Campaign for Equity Restorative Justice CERJ - nu John Woolman
- Campaign For Human Development, 1995-?
- Campaign for Political Rights, 1979-1980
- Campaign for Youth Needs, 1940-1941
- Campaign to Lift the Embargo on Cuba, 1994
- Campaign to Oppose Bank Loans to South Africa
- Campaign to Oppose the Return of the Khmer Rouge,
- Campaign to Stop Government Spying, 1977
- Calvert Cliffs Coordinating Committee
- Cape Ann Network for Central America
- Carcinogen Information Program, Inc., 1978-1982
- Caribbean Basin Information Project
- Carl Braden Memorial Fund to Support Southern Organizing,
- Casa Libre, 1985-1991
- Catfish Alliance, Florida, 1977-1979?
- Center for Constitutional Rights, 1976-1996
- Center for Democracy in the Americas, 1993-1995
- Center for Democratic Renewal, 1989-1996
- Center for Development Policy, 1978-1986
- Center for the Development of Social Responsibility, 1987
- Center for Documentary Media, 1973-1988
- Center for Economic Conversion, 1984-1996
- Center for Educational Reform, Inc., 1977
- Center for Environmental Action, 1971-1973
- Center for Environmental Justice, 1995
- Center for the Hudson River Valley, 1978-1980
- Center for Immigrants Rights, Inc., 1984-1991
- Center for Innovative Diplomacy CID 1985-1991
- Center for International Affairs, 1974-1986
- Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc., 1977-1996
- Center for Labor and Society, 1989
- Center for Law in the Public Interest, 1972-1977
- Center for Law, Research and Communication CLRC 1974
- Center for Media & Democracy, 1994-1996
- Center for National Security Studies, 1977-1987
- Center for New Corporate Priorities CNCP 1971-1973
- Center for Philosophy, Law and Citizenship, Inc.,
- Center for Policy Research (The Communitarian Network),
- Center for Popular Economics, 1979-1996
- Center for Public Financing of Elections, 1973-1975
- Center for Renewable Resources, 1978-1979
- Center for Resources on Institutional Oppression,
- Center for Rural Studies, San Francisco, 1980
- Center for Science in the Public Interest CSPI 1975-1986
- Center for Social Change, 1985-1986
- Center for Social Research and Education, 1984-1994
- Center on Social Welfare Policy and Law, 1986-1994
- Center for Studies of Ethnicity and Race in America, 1991
- Center for the Study of the Americas, 1985-1996
- Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara,
1959-1987, herunder Audio Archive Peace and War -
- Center for the Study of Public Policy, 1978-1979
- Center for Study of Responsive Law, 1989
- Center for Third World Organizing, 1984-1995
- Centers for Change, Inc., 1973
- Central America Health Rights Network, 1989-1990
- Central America Media Education Project
- Central America Organizing Project, 1984-1988
- Central American Refugee Center, 1987
- Central America Solidarity Association, , Cambridge, MA,
- Central American Refugee Center, 1987-1996
- Central Clearing House, 1973-1975
- Central Massachusetts Safe Energy Project, Inc., 1981
- Central Westchester Humane Society, 1976-1979
- Century Association, 1975-1995
- Chaney Goodman Schwerner Memorial Coalition, 1989
- Charlottesville Activists' Coalition, 1980-1981
- Charlottesville-Albemarle Council on Human Relations, 1968
- Charlottesville Latin America Solidarity Committee,
- Charlottesville Latin America Support Center, 1984-1988
- Charlottesville Nestle Boycott Organization
- Charlottesville Social Development Commission, 1983
- Charlottesville Socialist Feminist Alliance
- Charter Group for a Pledge of Conscience, 1955-1979. Se
også: Dr. Annette T. Rubinstein og The Black Panther Party
and the case of the New York 21, 1955. Guide to the Annette T.
Rubinstein Papers TAM 167. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New
- Chiapas Relief and Encouragement Organization CREO,
- Chicago Committee to Defend Labor Victims of Franco,
- Chicago Civil Liberties Committee
- Chicago Cuba Coalition, 1994
- Chicago Debs Centennial Committee, 1956
- Chicago Defense Committee, 1970
- Chicago Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc.,
- Chicano Legal Defense Fund, 1977-1978
- Chicago Political Surveillance Litigation and Education
Project, 1978
- Chicago Puerto Rico Solidarity Committee
- Chicago Women's Liberation Union
- Child Abuse Prevention Center of New York, 1986
- Chile Committee for Human Rights, 1979
- Chile Defense Committee, 1974-1975
- Chile Legislative Center, 1976-1979
- Chile Solidarity Committee, 1974-1980
- Christic Institute, 1985-1992
- Choice eller Chance Committee, 1987
- CIA on Trial Project, Amherst,
Mass., 1985-1989. Se også: Abbie Hoffman og Amy Carter
- Citizen Alert, 1980-1996
- Citizen Action, Massachusetts, 1985-1996
- Citizen Power, 1975
- Citizen Soldier, 1978-1992
- Citizen's Action for Safe Energy, 1982?-1987?
- Citizens Action Program, 1974-1996
- Citizens Against Noise, 1972-1977
- Citizens Against Video Victimization, 1983
- Citizens Against PACs, 1985-1986
- Citizens Awareness Network, 1994-1996
- Citizens Committee for National War Services Act
- Citizens Call, 1980-1988
- Citizens Campaign for a Congressional Inquiry Into Political
Assassinations, 1976
- Citizens Campaign for the Environment, 1996
- Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Wastes, Inc.,
- Citizens Coalition for Responsible Government, 1974
- Citizens Commission of Inquiry, 1976
- Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI
- Citizens Committee for Protection of the Environment,
- Citizen's Committee for Resettlement, 1944-?
- Citizens Committee for Watergate Reform, 1976
- Citizens' Council for a Democratic Germany, 1951
- Citizens Council for the U.S.
- Citizens Energy Council, 1973
- Citizens Energy Project, 1976-1980
- Citizens for the Constitution, 1979
- Citizens for Decency, 1957-1970
- Citizens for Humanizing Criminal Justice, 1979-1980
- Citizens for Participation in Political Action, 1971-1978
- Citizens for Responsible Energy, 1991
- Citizens for Safe Energy, 1977
- Citizens for Safe Power
- Citizens for Victory
- Citizens Fund, 1989-1993
- Citizens Hearings for Radiation Victims, 1979-1980
- Citizens Institute for Positive Energy Policy, 1974-1980
- Citizens' League for America and the Allies, 1916
- Citizens National Committee eller Citizens Emergency Committee
of Non-Defense Expendituresy
- Citizens Non-Partisan Committee for the Serviceman's Vote
- Citizens Protective League
- Citizens Review Board of Police Actions, 1974
- Citizens Union
- Citizens U.S.A. Committee, 1944?-?
- Civil Liberties Legal Defense Fund, Inc., 1971?-1973?
- Civil Rights Congress, 1946-1947? - Report on Civil Rights
Congress as a communist front organization. Investigation of
un-American activities in the United States, Committee on
Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Eightieth
Congress, first session. Public law 601 (section 121, subsection Q
(2)) (1947).
- Civil Rights Federation
- Clamshell Alliance, 1978-1989
- Clean Water Action
- Coalition Against STOP, 1995-1996
- Coalition Against Uranium Mining, 1980
- Coalition Conference Committee, 1979
- Coalition for Action, Unity and Social Equality
- Coalition for April 24th March on Boston, 1976
- Coalition for Alternatives to the Shearon-Harris Nuclear Power
Plant, 1986
- Coalition to Abolish State Executions of Maryland, 1987
- Coalition for Basic Democratic Majority
- Coalition for Basic Human Needs
- Coalition for Democratic Values, 1990
- Coalition for Equity-Restorative Justice CERJ - nu John Woolman
- Coalition for Haitian Concerns, 1986
- Coalition for Human Dignity, 1994
- Coalition for Human Priorities, 1974
- Coalition for Jobs and Justice, 1980
- Coalition for Massive Jobs Through Housing, 1992
- Coalition for Palestinian Rights
- Coalition for Prisoners Rights, 1980--1995
- Coalition for Social and Economic Justice Inc., 1991
- Coalition of Eastern Native Americans, Inc., 1974-1975
- Coalition of Grass Roots Women, 1979-1980
- Coalition on Economic Crisis, 1974-1975
- Coalition to End Animal Suffering and Exploitation
- Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse, 1980
- Coalition to Save Jobs, 1980
- Colorado Committee Against Repression, 1978-1979
- Colorado Committee Against Grand Jury Repression, 1978
- Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse, 1974-1978
- Columbia Anti Imperialist Movement, 1971-1973
- Columbia Committee for Harrisburg Defendants, 1971
- Columbia Committee to Keep Biafra Alive, 1968
- Columbia’s Committee to Counter-Act Repression, 1971
- Columbia Coordinating Committee, 1970
- Columbia Labor Committee, 1970-1972
- Columbia River Defense Project, 1983-1986
- Commission on Aliens and Prisoners of War 1942-?
- Commission on International Women's Year, 1976-?
- Commission on United States-Central American Relations,
- Commission on United States - Latin American Relations,
- Commission on Voluntary Service and Action, 1976
- Committee Against Deportations, 1978
- Committee Against Government Waste
- Council Against Intolerance se Arthur Derounian, aka John Roy
Carlson: Under Cover, 1943
- Committee Against Psychiatric Assaul
- Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy
- Committee for a Democratic Spain, 1975
- Committee for a Safe Energy Future, 1995
- Committee For A Free Spain, 1960
- Committee for a Social Movements Collection
- Committee for Abortion Rights and Against Sterilization
- Committee for Affirmative Action Ad, 1996
- Committee for an Open Newspaper, 1978
- Committee for Citizenship Rights, 1946-?
- Committee for Civil Rights for Communists, 1946-?
- Committee for Constitutional Government
- Committee for the Defense of Property Rights, 1968-?
- Committee for Economic Development
- Committee for Economic Stability
- Committee for Environmental Information 1962-?
- Committee for Fair Electric Rates, 1978-1979
- Committee for Freedom in India, 1976
- Committee for the Freedom of the Puerto Rican Nationalist
Prisoners, 1975
- Committee for Health Rights in the Americas, 1996
- Committee for Health Rights in Central America, 1984-1995
- Committee for Human Rights and Democracy in Turkey
- Committee for Human Rights in the Dominican Republic and Puerto
Rico, 1975
- Committee for Impartial Civilian Relief in Spain 1939?
- Committee for July 26th, 1974
- Committee for Justice, 1987-1994
- Committee for Justice for Domingo and Viernes, 1986
- Committee for Justice to Stop McCarran Walter Act Deportations
- Committee for Medical Freedom
- Committee For The Monroe Doctrine, 1962
- Committee for the Nation
- Committee for National Morale
- Committee for Palestine Solidarity
- Committee for People's Rights
- Committee for Prisoner Humanity & Justice, 1971-1977
- Committee for Public Justic, 1972-1986
- Committee for Puerto Rican Decolonization
- Committee for Racial Democracy in the Nation's Capital
- Committee for Responsible Genetics, 1983-1989
- Committee for Rural Democracy, 1978-1980
- Committee for Social Responsibility in Engineering,
- Committee for the Suit Against Government Misconduct,
- Committee for Trade Union Relations with Cuba, 1980
- Committee in Solidarity with the People of Latin America and
the Caribbean, 1982
- Committee of Americans
- Committee of 48
- Committee of Kent State Massacre Witnesses, Kent, Ohio, 1970-?
Se: Mike Alewitz I was a teenage subversive, 2010.
- https://docs.google.com/View?id=ddrcgb43_452gdvfs3cf
- Committee of 100 Against Communist Inhumanity, 1953
- Committee of One Thousand
- Committee of One Million
- Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin-America
- Committee of Liaison With Families of Servicemen Detained in
North Vietnam, 1969-1973. Se også: Amnesty International,
Asian Information Group, FBI, International Red Cross,
International Vietnam Solidarity Committee
- Committee on American Principles and Fair Play 1943
- Committee on Military Justice,1974-1977
- Committee on New Alternatives in the Middle East,
- Committee on Resettlement of Japanese-Americans, 1943-1944
- Committee on the Status of Minority Elected Officials,
- Committee Opposed to Police Spying, 1987
- Committee to Abolish Prison Slavery, 1977-1980
- Committee to Impeach Nixon, 1974
- Committee to Defend Carlos Feliciano, 1974
- Committee to Defend Imani (Johnny Harris) and Stop the Death
Penalty, 1979-1983
- Committee to Defend NASSCO Workers, 1981
- Committee to Defend the Panthers
- Committee for the Defense of Property Rights, 1968
- Committee to Honor New Afrikan Freedom Fighters
- Committee to Protect Journalists, 1984-1988
- Committee to Save the Iranian 14, 1979
- Committee to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal, 1995
- Committee to Secure a Fair Trial, 1977
- Committee to Support Irish Political Prisoners, 1983
- Committee to Support Middle East Liberation
- Common Cause, 1987-1988
- Common Sense Foundation
- Community of Hospitality, 1986-1993
- Communication for Change Inc., 1994
- Communist Workers Part Five Memorial and Legal Defense Fund,
- Communities in Solidarity with El Salvador, 1993
- Community Action Committee, 1968
- Community Action for Legal Services, Inc., 1985-1986
- Community Careers Resource Center, 1986-1988
- Community Defense, Inc., 1986
- Community Environmental Council, 1973-1991
- Community Opportunities Foundation, Inc., 1978
- Community Ownership Organizing Project, 1974-1977
- Community Resource and Research Center
- Community Response Association, 1994
- Community Self - Help Housing Development Fund Company, Inc.,
- Community Shares, 1986-1994
- Community Survival Center, 1980
- Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility,
- Comu-Nica, 1979
- Concerned Citizens Against Amnesty, 1977-?
- Concerned Citizens Organization, 1980, herunder Concerned
Citizens of Louisa County, Mineral, Virginia
- Conference/Alternative State and Local Policies, 1980
- Conference for Progressive Labor Action
- Conference for Progressive Political Action
- Conference on Future Cuba - U.S. Exchanges, 1991
- Congress of Freedom, 1954-1956
- Congress of World Unity, 1975-1976?
- Congressional Agenda: 80's, 1984-1986
- Conservatives for a Constitutional Convention, 1979
- Consider the Alternatives, 1986-1991
- Constitutional Convention Project / Public Policy and Education
Fund, 1993
- Constitutional Enterprises, Inc., 1973-1974
- Consumer Commission on the Accreditation of Health Services,
Inc., 1973
- Consumer Federation of America, 1976-1979
- Contra/Diction, 1987
- Coordinating Council of Community Organizations
- Coordination For Action Now (CAN-DO), 1977
- Cooperative League of the U.S.A. 1937-?
- Council Against Intolerance in America
- Council for Democracy in Korea, 1987-1990
- Council for National Policy Planning, 1975-1977
- Council for Public Interest Law, 1975
- Council for Responsible Genetics, 1989-1996
- Council on Economic Priorities, 1976-1995
- Council on International and Public Affairs, 1954-2005
- Council on Hemispheric Affairs, 1980-1995
- Council to Insure National Character & Honor, 1979
- Counter-Commencement, 1970
- Creative Alternatives to Prison, 1979
- Critical Mass
- Crusade For America, 1958
- Crusade For Freedom, 1953-1957
- Cuba Resource Center, 1973-1980
- Cuban-American Committee for the Normalization of Relations
with Cuba, 1979
- Cultural Survival, 1986-1995
- D.C. Solidarity Committee, 1975
- Daniel J. Bernstein Foundation, 1996
- Dartmouth College Nicaragua Hurricane Relief, 1988
- David Fine Freedom Committee
- De Mau Mau, Chicago
- December Fourth Movement, 1970-?
- Defenders of the American Constitution, 1963-1964?
- Defenders of Democracy, Inc.
- Delphian Society, 1949-1956
- DeMille Foundation for Political Freedom
- Democratic Planning Group, 1974
- Democratic Socialist Forum of Chicago
- Democratic Socialists of America, 1985-1995
- Democratic Study Group, 1975-1976
- Democracy Project, 1985-1992
- Democratic National Committee, Federal Account, 1974-1992
- Democrats 2000, 1991
- Democrats for Choice, 1990
- Denver Chicano Liberation, 1974
- Detroit Bill of Rights Defense Committee, 1946-?
- Detroit Conspiracy Defense Fund, 1973
- Development Group, 1978
- Dialogue Conference Between American Jewish and Palestinian
Women, 1989
- Direct Expressions, 1990
- Direct Relief Foundation, 1974-1980
- Direct Relief International, 1981-1996
- Dirty Dozen Campaign, 1976
- Disability Rights Center, Inc., 1977
- Disarm Cuban Medical Program, 1993
- Dissenters, 1962-1966
- D.N.A. People's Legal Services, Inc. Navajo Nation, 1980
- Do It Now Foundation, 1973-1977
- Dodd Project for Radiation Studies, 1986
- Doe Fund, Inc., 1990-1996
- Dome Project, 1975-1986
- Dollars and Sense, 1974-1996
- Dorchester Committee on Central America and the Caribbean
- Earth Action, 1991-1995
- Earth First! Direct Action Fund, 1991-1995
- Earth First Legal Defense Fund, 1991-1992
- Earth Food Associates, 1975-1977
- Earth Island Institute, 1988-1996
- Earth Project, Inc., 1987
- EarthVote, 1989-1990
- EarthWork, 1980
- East Boston Anti-Racists Defense Fund, 1976
- East Timor Human Rights Committee, 1981
- East Timor Information and Research Project, 1976
- East and West Association
- Eastern Federation of Nuclear Opponents and Safe Energy
Proponents, 1977
- E.F. Schumacher Society, 1984-1996
- El Salvador Alert!, 1981
- Electoral Fairness Project, 1990
- Elias Ayoub Defense Committee, 1979-1981
- Elysium Institute; 1969
- Emergency Civil Liberties Committee eller National Emergency
Civil Liberties Committee, 1951-1968, nu del af Center for
Constitutional Rights. Se også: Transcript of Bob Dylan's
remarks at the bill of rights dinner at the Americana Hotel on
12/13/63. Se tillige: Corliss Lamont.
- Emergency Coalition to Stop the SST [Supersonic Transport], New
York, 1977-?
- Emergency Committee for Massive Federal Funding for Jobs
Through Housing in the Public Domain, 1977
- Emergency Committee for Prisoners Release, 1977
- Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief
- Emergency Committee to Defend Palestinian Mayors, 1980
- Emergency Fund to Stop Capital Punishment, 1978
- Emergency Response Network
- Encampment for Citizenship, 1956-1994
- Energy Action Committee, 1976-1979
- Energy America Education Fund, 1992-1995
- Energy and Resources Group, 1979
- Energy, Environment and Resources Center, 1990
- Energy Reform Group, 1974
- Energy Research Project, 1977
- Environmental Action, 1983-1984
- Environmental Action Foundation, 1973-1993
- Environmental Center of San Luis Obispo County, 1975-1978
- Environmental Defense Center, 1977-1980
- Environmental Defense Fund, 1975-1989
- Environmental Defense Institute, 1990-1996
- Environmental Information Center, 1976
- Environmental Policy Center, 1974-1980
- Environmental Policy Institute, 1984-1989
- Environmental Project On Central America, 1986-1987
- Environmental Research Foundation, 1991-1996
- Environmentalists for Full Employment, 1977-1980
- Equal Employment Council, 1986-1995
- Equal Rights Advocates, Inc., 1975
- Equal Rights America, 1976-1979
- Equal Rights Congress, 1976-1996
- Eritrean Relief Committee, 1977-1980
- Ethical Culture Society, 1949-1969
- Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1981-1985
- Ethiopian Pacific Movement
- Exploratory Project for Economic Alternatives, 1975, 1978
- Fair Campaign Practices Committee, Inc., 1975-1978
- Fair Play for Cuba Committee
- Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, 1987-1996
- Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, 1988
- Federal Bureau of Investigation Papers Project, 1979
- Federal Grand Jury Association
- Federation for Economic Democracy, 1977
- Federation of Communities in Service, 1974-1978
- Federation of Children's Organizations
- Fighting Group Against Inhumanity, 1951
- Fifth Avenue Marijuana Parade Coalition
- Fifth Estate, 1975
- Fight Back, 1974-1996
- Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 1996
- Filipino People's Committee for the Permanent People's
Tribunal, 1980
- First Assembly the Fourth World, 1980
- First Global Radiation Victims Conference, 1987
- First National Conference to End the U.S. Blockade Against Cuba
Conference Organizing Committee, 1980-1981
- Florida Americanism Committee; 1953-1967
- Focus Project, Inc., 1984-1986
- Folsom Strike Support Group, 1978
- Food Action Campaign/Agribusiness Accountability Project,
- Food and Earth Services, Inc. FES 1972-1981
- Food First eller Institute for Food and Development Policy,
- Food Research and Action Center, 1973
- For the People, 1974
- Foreign Bases Project, 1989-1992
- Fortune Society, 1975-1996
- Foundation for a Compassionate Society, -2005 -
- Foundation for Democracy in Burma, 1993
- Foundation for National Progress, 1992-1993
- Foundation for New National Progress, 1979-1980
- Foundation on Economic Trends, 1989-1993
- Founding Conference of the U.S. - Grenada Friendship Society,
- Four Arrows, 1977-1978
- Fourth Freedom Forum, 1992, 1995
- Frank Shuford Defense Committee, 1979
- Fraternite Vietnam, 1977
- Free Cuba Committee, 1965-?
- Free Dominican Republic Committee, 1965
- Free the Indonesian Student Leaders, 1979
- Free Market Education Foundation, Houston, 1980
- Free Society Association, 1965
- Free South Africa Movement
- Free South Africa's Children, 1987
- Free Speech Movement, Berkeley CA, 1965
- Free World Association, New York, 1942?-? -
The Price of Free World Victory: A speech delivered to the Free
World Association, New York City, May 8, 1942 From Henry A.
Wallace, Democracy Reborn (New York, 1944), edited by Russell Lord,
p. 190.
- Free World Foundation, 1989
- Freedom for Armenia Committee
- Freedom from Religion Foundation, 1986-1988
- Freedom House, 1960-1965
- Freedom In Action, 1960
- Freedom Now-Campaign for Amnesty and Human Rights for Political
Prisoners in the USA, 1990
- Freedom Riders, Alabama, 1961
- Freedom Socialist, 1992
- Freedom Through Truth Foundation, Oak Park Ill., 1990
- Freedom to Travel Ad Hoc Committee, 1993-1994
- Freedomways, 1980
- Freeway Hall Emergency Eviction Fund, 1979
- Frente Democratico Revolucionario
- Friends of the Center for Preventive Psychiatry, 1976
- Friends of Committee for Defense of the Rights of the
- Friends of Democracy, Inc.
- Friends of the Earth Foundation, 1973-1991
- Friends of Eve, 1996
- Friends of the Americas, 1991
- Friends of the Filipino People, 1973-1979
- Friends of Free China, 1974
- Friends of Freedom for India, 1918-1922? - The Friends of
Freedom for India (FFI) was an anti-imperialist organization of
Indian residents in the U.S. and American activists whose agenda
was to further the cause of Indian independence. In 1918, the FFI
president was Robert Morss Lovett, its general secretary was Agnes
Smedley, and its national council included W.E.B. Du Bois, Franz
Boas, Norman Thomas, Roger Baldwin, Margaret Sanger, and Upton
Sinclair. Salindranath Ghose was also involved in organizing the
institution. Other Friends of Freedom organizations included
Friends of Freedom for Ireland, for Egypt, for Mesopotamia, and for
South Africa. World Significance of Mahatma Gandhi : Pamphlet
published by the Friends of Freedom for India, first published in
Unity (April 6, 1922).
- Friends of Haiti, 1979
- Friends of India Committees, 1975
- Friends of Micronesia
- Friends of the Israeli-Palestinian Center in Jerusalem,
- Friends of Katanga Freedom, 1960-1962
- Friends of the Korean People, 1979-1980
- Friends of New Outlook, Inc., 1986-1992
- Friends of the Paul Robeson Archives, 1975
- Friends of Rhodesia
- Fund for a Democratic Majority, 1986
- Fruitvale Committee for Human and Constitutional Rights,
- Fund For A Conservative Majority, 1977
- Fund for a Free South Africa, 1987-1996
- Fund for Bilingual Journalism, 1977
- Fund for Community Journalism, 1988
- Fund for Constitutional Government, 1975-1995
- Fund for Democratic Elections in South Africa, 1993-1994
- Fund for Equal Justice, 1974-1975
- Fund for Freedom
- Fund for Human Dignity, Inc., 1989-1990
- Fund for Investigative Journalism, Inc., 1977-1996
- Fund for Legality in National Government, 1974
- Fund for New Priorities in America, 1974-1996
- Fund for Open Information and Accountability, Inc.,
- Fund for Secure Energy, 1980
- Fund for Southern Communities, 1985-1988
- Fund To Defeat The Abortion Candidates, 1977
- Funding Exchange, 1979-1995
- Funds for a Free Chile, 1975
- German-American National Political Action Committee, 1988
- German American Vocational League, 1943
- Grand Jury Project, 1982
- Grassroots International
- General Welfare Federation of America
- German-American Bund
- Gray Panthers
- Greater Boston Committee for the Defense of Angela Davis,
- Greater New York Emergency Conference on Inalienable Rights,
- Greek-American Labor Committee
- Greek War Relief Association Inc. U.S.A., 1940-1945?
- Green Revolution: The School of Living and Healthcote
- Greensboro Justice Fund, 1981-1984
- Guatemala Human Rights Commission, 1984
- Guatemala News and Information Bureau, 1983
- Guerrilla Theater: Charlottesville, Virginia, 1972
- Gulf and Great Plains Legal Foundation, 1986
- Gulf Boycott Coalition
- Haiti Commission, 1991
- Haiti Hunger for Justice Fast, Philadelphia, PA, 1994
- Haiti in Development, 1992-1996
- Haiti Reborn, 1992-1993
- Haiti Support Committee, 1989
- Haitian Environment and Development Initiative, 1992-1993
- Hawaii Foundation For American Freedoms
- Haitian Refugee Center, 1988
- Haymarket People’s Fund
- Hear the Children: Boycott Campbell's Soup
- Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly US National Committee, Inc,
New York, 1992?
- Help Abolish Legal Tyranny, 1979
- Honduras Information Center, Washington, DC, 1982?-?
- Houston 12 Defense Committee
- Human Arts Association, 1993
- Human Quest Foundation, 1993
- Human Rights Campaign Fund, 1992-1993
- Human Rights Coalition Project, 1988
- Human Rights Commission of El Salvador, 1988
- Human Rights Decal Campaign , 1990
- Human Rights Documentation Project, 1988-1989
- Human Rights Political Action Committee, 1990
- Human Rights Project, Inc., 1988
- Human Service Employees Registration and Voter Education
Campaign, 1985-1989
- Humane Farming Action Fund , 1993-1996
- Humane Farming Association, 1989-1996
- Humanitas-International Human Rights Committee, 1988
- Hungarian-American Council of Democracy, 1944?-1945?
- Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty, 1977-1987
- Illinois Public Action Council, 1980-1988
- Incarcerated Veterans Assistance Organization, Inc.,
- Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and
Professions, Inc.
- Independent Coalition of American Women
- India Famine Relief, 1919?
- India Independence League eller the India Independence League
of America, 1930?-?
- India League of America, 1956
- Indian Rights Association
- Infidel Association of the United States, Philadelphia, PA,
- Infidel Society for the Promotion of Mental Liberty, New York,
- INFACT: Infant Formula Action Coalition, 1983-1984
- Inter-American Confederation of Workers
- Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1917
- Inter-Democracy Federal Unionists 1939-1940? - Inter-democracy
Federal Unionists: Guide for Local Organizers. November 1939.
Statement adopted by the National Executive Committee of
Inter-democracy Federal Unionists
- Independent Radicals Association, 1968
- International Association of Revolutionary Writers
- International Coalition Against Violent Entertainment
- International Committee for Political Prisoners
- International Committee for United Front International Labor
Defense, 1980
- International Defense and Aid Fund for Southern Africa
- International Entente Against the Third International
- International Helping Hands
- International League for the Rights of Man, 1942
- International Legion Against Communism
- International Marxist Group, 1971
- International Reform Federation
- International Rescue Committee
- International Socialists, 1969-1972?
- International Workers Aid
- Italian-American Labor Council
- January 2nd Coalition for the Defense of Haitian Refugees
- Japan Civil Liberties Union, 1971
- John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, 1980-1981
- Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, 1944-1945?
- Justice for Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party,
- Justice for Ireland Committee, 1983
- Kansas City Women's Liberation Union
- Karen Silkwood Fund, Washington DC, 1983 - The Karen Silkwood
Story: What We Know at Los Alamos, Los Alamos Science, Volume
XXIII, November 23, 1995 - -
- Kent Legal
Defense Fund, Kent, Ohio, 1970-1980? - Overkill at Kent : first a
shooting of students in cold blood, now a legal lynching of fellow
students and teachers. Kent
Legal Defense Fund; Kent Legal Defense Fund, 1970?
Publications relating to Kent Legal Defense Fund. Kent Legal
Defense Fund, 1970-1975? Se også: Confrontation at Kent Fund.
Arkiv: Kent State University Libraries, Special Collections and
Archives: May 4 Collection, Documenting the May 1970 Kent State
Shootings. - http://www.library.kent.edu/page/11247
- Kent State Due Process Of Law Fund, 1975?-? Se tillige:
Committee of Kent State Massacre Witnesses
- Kent State First Amendment Conservation Task Force
- Kent State Truth Tribunal, 2010-? Se også Laurel
- Kentucky Alliance Against Racial and Political Repression
- Kristina Berster Defense Committee, 1979
- Kropotkin Society
- Ladies' anti-slavery society, Providence, 1845?-? Se: Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society
- Lake Mohonk conference in behalf of the civilization and legal
protection of the Indians of the United States; 1885-1903
- Lake Mohonk conference of friends of the Indian and other
dependent peoples; 1914-1916
- Laos Emergency Committee, 1970
- Latin American Support Committee
- Latvian Relief, Inc., 1944?-?
- Lavender Left Network
- Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
- League for Economic Democracy, 1973-1976
- League for Industrial Democracy
- League for the Liberation of Lithuania, 1944?-?
- Lexington Grand Jury Defense Fund, 1976
- Liberal Action Committee
- Liberation Committee for Africa, 1961-1963 nu: Afro-American
Research Institute, Inc., 1963-.
- Liberation Support Movement, 1975
- Liberation Study Group, 1968
- Liberty Federation, 1986
- Love Revolution, 1983
- Lubbock Right to Life Committee
- Maine Nuclear Referendum Committee, 1981-1982
- Majority Coalition, 1968-1972
- Margaret Randall Legal Defense Committee, Center for
Constitutional Rights
- Martin Sostre Defense Committee
- Marshall Civil Liberties Trust Fund
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Workers
Conferences, 1974-1975
- Martin Sostre Defense Committee, 1973
- Maryland Center for United Labor Action
- Maryland Coalition of Concerned Parents, 1984
- Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance
- Massachusetts Campaign to Clean Up Hazardous Waste
- Massachusetts Citizenss for Safe Energy
- Massachusetts Commission on the Cost of Living, The waste of
militarism; from the Report of the Massachusetts Commission on the
Cost of Living, 1910 (1912). -
- Massachusetts Committee to Abolish the House Un-American
Activities Committee
- Massachusetts Food and Agriculture Coalition
- Massachusetts Labor Committee on Central America
- Massachusetts Nuclear Referendum Campaign, Jamaica Plain, MA,
- Massachusetts Solidarity Coalition
- Massachusetts Twentieth Anniversary Mobilization
- Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus
- Mattachine Society, 1975
- May 4 Ad-Hoc Strike Committee
- May 4 Coalition
- May 4 Forum
- May 4 Observance Committee May 4 Resource Room
- May 4 Task Force
- May 4 Twentieth Anniversary Commission
- Medical Aid for El Salvador, 1985-1987
- Medical Aid for Indochina, 1971-1973
- Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy
- Mexican American Cultural Center, 1984
- Michigan Civil Rights Federation, 1946-?
- Midwest Monetary Federation
- Minneapolis Civil Rights Committee, 1946-?
- Mobilization to Save the Heartland, 1982
- Mohonk Conference on the Negro Question
- Montgomery Improvement Association
- Moral Majority, Inc., 1983-1985
- Movement For A Democratic Military, 1971
- Movement For A Democratic Society, New Orleans, 1968
- Movement for New Society, 1971-1988
- Mountain States Legal Foundation, 1968-1996
- Movimiento Popular de Libertacao de Angola (MPLA) Solidarity
Committee, 1976
- National Abortion Rights Action League, 1982
- National Action for a Fair Budget
- National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
- National America Denmark Association, 1944?-?
- National Association for Irish Freedom, 1974-1981
- National Association of Radiation Survivors, Berkeley, CA,
- National Black Feminist Organization,1972-1975
- National Black Leadership Forum, 1980
- National Black Political Assembly, 1980
- National Black Political Convention, 1971-1974
- National Black United Front, 1980-1981
- National Campaign to Free Mayor Eddie Carthan and the Tchula 7
and to Preserve Black Political Rights, 1983
- National Caucus Labor Committee, 19711979
- National Coalition Against Censorship, 1977
- National Coalition Against the Marcos Dictatorship, 1982
- National Coalition for Children, 1976
- National Coalition for Economic Justice, 1980
- National Coalition for Growth, 1980
- National Coalition on Television Violence
- National Coalition to Fight Inflation and Unemployment,
- National Committee Against Naz Persecution and Extermination of
the Jews, 1944-?
- National Committee Against Repressive Legislation,
- National Committee for Amnesty for Smith Act Victims, 1953
- National Committee for the Defense of Joanne Chesimard and
Clark Squire
- National Committee For An Effective Congress, 1954-1978
- National Committee for Immigration Reform, 1965
- National Committee for Monetary Reform, 1977-1979
- National Committee for People's Rights, 1946-?
- National Committee for the Preservation of Americanism, New
York, 1944-?
- National Committee for Rescue from Nazi Terror, 1944?-?
- National Committee of Taxpayers Against the Big Bank Bailout,
- National Committee on US-China Relations, Inc., 1976
- National Committee to Abolish the House Un-American Activities
Committee, 1957-1976
- National Committee to Free Bobby Williams
- National Committee to Re-open the Rosenberg Case,
- National Committee to Repeal the McCarren Act, 1955-1965
- National Committee to Restore Internal Security, 1981
- National Committee to Support the Marion Brothers,
- National Conference for New Politics, 1966-1967
- National Conference on Religion and Labor
- National Conference of Black Lawyers, 1975
- National Consumers League, 1959
- National Council for Civic Responsibility, 1964-1967
- National Defense Council Foundation, 1987-1988
- National Defense Organization Against Racist and Political
Repression, 1973-1975
- National Economic Council, Chicago Il. 194?
- National Economic Council, 1967
- National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, 1976-1983
- National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, 1946-?
- National Federation for Decency
- National Gentile League
- National Justice Foundation, 1977
- National Law Enforcement Committee, 1963
- National Legal Center For The Public Interest, 1987
- National Municipal League, 1954?
- National Negro Congress
- National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People
- National Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala,
1982-1983 senere Network in Solidarity with the People of
Guatemala, 1985-1986
- National Nuclear Victims for Justice, 2008?
- National Nuclear Workers for Justice, 2003?-2008? Se
også: Vina Colley ; PRESS, the Portsmouth/Piketon Residents
for Environmental Safety and Security: Between the Ice Ages : The
Exposed: Vina Colley, sick uranium worker Wild Clearing / Eileen
and Wes Rehberg. -
http://www.wildclearing.com/ice-ages/pike-vina.html ,
Report from National Nuclear Workers for Justice, Washington State
US House Representative "Doc" Hasting's Towne Hall Meeting,
February 17, 2003 - 5:30 p.m to 7:00 p.m. -
Center for Defense Information, America's Defense Monitor :
Interview Vina Colley, April, 2000.
- http://www.cdi.org/adm/1341/Colley.html
- National Gay Task Force, 1977-1978
- National Liberal League, 1876-1902
- National Office of the Committee to Free the Mao Tsetung
Defendants, 1979-1982
- National Organization for an American Revolution
- National Organization For Non-Parents, 1978
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
- National Organization of Socialist Youth, 1964
- National Organization of Women, 1970-1990
- National Petition for a New U.S.-Korea Policy
- National Right To Life, 1978-1980
- National Right To Work Committee, 1966-1990
- National Rosenberg-Sobell Committee, 1967-1970
- National Sojourners, 1955-1958
- National Tax-Limitation Committee, 1978-1979
- National Taxpayers Legal Fund, 1982
- National Taxpayers Union, 1976-1981
- National Urban League, 1955?-1968?
- National Welfare Rights Organization, 1971-1973
- National Women's Trade Union League of America: International.
Relations Committee, 1926-1932?
- National Workers League
- National Youth Alliance, 1970
- Native American Rights Fund,; 1974
- Natural Liberation Front, 1971
- New Abolitionist Covenant
- New American Movement
- New American Tea Party, 1971-?
- New England Anti-Imperialist League
- New England Central American Network
- New England Coalition for the Pacific
- New England Environmental Network
- New England Human Rights Network
- New England Labor Alliance for Safe Energy
- New England Non-Resistance
- New England Tax Resistance
- New Forests Project
- New Leftist Forum, 1968-?
- New York Freethinkers' Association, 1877-?
- New York Society for the Suppression of Vice / et lastefuldt
liv, 1873-? senere Society to Maintain Public Decency -1950.
- Nicaragua Medical Aid, 1986-1988
- Nicaragua Network, 1986
- Nicaragua Support Project
- Nicaragua Information Center and Action
- No Business as Usual Action Network
- No More Censorship Defense Fund, 1987
- Nonpartisan League, 1915-.
- North American civic league for immigrants senere Committee for
immigrants in America
- North American Congress on Latin America
- North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy
- November 12 Coalition: March on Washington, 1983
- November 29th Committee for Palestine senere Palestine
Solidarity Committee, Ann Arbor, Michigan Chapter ,1986-1988
- Nuclear Information and Resource Servic, 1984
- Off Our Backs, 1981
- Operation Flame of Hope
- Organizing Committee to Freeze Reagan/Bush in '84, 1984
- Pacific Alliance
- Pacific Legal Foundation, 1984
- Pakistan Committee for Democracy and Justic
- Palestine Congress of North America
- Palestine Human Rights Campaign, 1979
- Palestine Solidarity Committee
- Partisan League
- Patriotic Majority
- PAX: People Against Executions
- Pennsylvania Abolition Society
- People Against Nuclear Power, 1977-?
- People For The American Way, 1981
- People's Lobby, 1906-? - A stolen government; how to restore
it, and to thwart further embezzlement of power, through the
advisory initiative, or public opinion law (1908).
- People United Against Government Repression and Klan-Nazis,
- People United To Save Humanity, 1971
- People's Action Union, 1975
- People's Anti-Corruption Movement, 1975-?
- Permanent Committee of Intellectuals for the Sovereignty of the
People of Our America, 1982
- Plainfield 12, 1973
- Pledge of Allegiance, 1980
- Political Action Committee, 1984
- Political Equality League
- Political Equality League of Wisconsin. Milwaukee 1912-?
- Portage County Committee for Free Speech and Free Assembly
- Progressive Foundation
- Protect America's Children, 1978-1981
- Psychologists for Social Responsibiity, senere del af
Professionals' Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control
- Public Affairs Committee, 1960
- Public Interest Research Group, 1973
- Public Service Research Council, 1976
- Puerto Rican Revolutionary Workers Organization
- Radical Organizing Committee, 1968
- Rainbow Coalition
- Rainbow New Age Movement, 1970
- Refugee Relief Trustees, Inc., 1944?-?
- Republic of New Africa, 1968
- Republican Nationalist Revival Committee, 1944?-?
- Roger N. Baldwin Civil Liberties Foundation, 1967-1970
- Roger Baldwin Foundation of the ACLU, Inc., Illinois,
- Rosie Jimenez Fund
- Safe Energy Alliance of Alabama, 1980
- Safe Energy Communication Council, 1982-1984
- Safe Return Amnesty Committee, 1974
- Saharawi Peoples Support Committee, 1982
- Salvadoran Medical Relief Fund, eller Committee for Health
Rights in El Salvador, 1983-1988
- San Diego Patriotic Society, 1963-1965
- San Francisco Women's Centers, 1979-?
- Save Boston Harbor
- Save Lebanon, Inc., 1985
- Save Life on Earth
- Save The Oppressed People Campaign, 1966-1986
- Save the Rainforests
- Seattle Conspiracy Defense Fund, 1970
- Seattle Eight Defense Committee, 1970
- Seattle Liberation Front, 1970
- Seattle Seven, 1970
- Second Amendment Foundations, 1979
- Security and Intelligence Fund, 1979
- Selfhelp of Emigres from Central Europe, Inc., 1944?-1945?
- Selous Foundation se Committee to Restore the Constitution
- Sexual Freedom League
- Seymour Society
- Seychellois National Movement, 1980-1985
- Shopping for a Better World
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
- Society for Suppression of Vice, 1802 senere National Vigilance
Association, 1885-?
- Sojourner Truth Organization, 1969-1986 -
- Soledad Brothers Defense Fund, 1970
- Soledad Brothers Legal Committee
- Solidarity Committee, 1982
- Sound Dollar Committee, 1983
- South Africa Networks
- Southeast Asia Resource Center, 1979-1984
- Southern Africa Solidarity Project
- Southern Negro Youth Congress
- Southern Organizing Committee for Economic and Social Justice,
- Spanish child welfare association of America
- St. Petersburg Council on Human Relations, 1956-1972
- Suburban Action Institute, 1974
- Support Committee to Send Legal-Medical Team of International
Observers to Iran, 1977
- Susquehanna Valley Alliance, 1979-?
- Technical Volunteers to Nicaragua, 1987-1988
- Tri-Continental Information Cente, 1967-19 74
- Third World Liberation Front, 1969-1975
- Three Mile Island Legal Fund, Harrisburg, PA, 1979?--2000
- Three Mile Island Public Interest Resource Center,
Mechanicsburg, PA, 1978-1993
- Transarmament Network
- Trilateral Commission, 1974-1988
- Truth About Cuba Committee Inc., 1966-1974
- Unemployed Workers Organizing Committee, 1976
- Union for Democratic Socialism, New York, 1953-1959?
- Union For Radical Political Economics, 1975-1982
- Union of Democratic Filipinos, 1974
- UNITE, Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee, 1975
- United Committee of South-Slavic Americans, 1944?-?
- United Front Against Fascism, 1969
- United Moral and Philosophical Society for the Diffusion of
Useful Knowledge, 1834-1836?
- United Prisoners Union, 1975
- United States Committee For The United Nations, 1955-1959
- United States Committee for Justice to Latin America Political
Prisoners, 1967-1974
- United States Council for World Freedom, 1986-1987
- Untited States Justice Foundation, 1979
- United Tax Action Patriots, 1977
- Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities
- Urban Dynamics Inner City Fund, 1975-1979
- U.S. Anti-Imperialist League, 1982
- U.S. China Peoples Friendship Association, 1974-1976
- U.S. Committee for a Democratic Spain, 1974-1975
- U.S. National Committee For Man and the Biosphere,
- Venceremos Brigade, 1969-1975
- Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, 1915?-. - nu
Veterans of Foreign Wars - Proceedings of the ... annual convention
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (summary of
minutes) (1999).
- http://www.archive.org/details/proceedingsofann1999vete -
- Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation, Washington, DC, 1980-.
nu Veterans For America
- War Against Racism, 1970
- We the Fathers se We the Mothers Mobilize for America
- We the Mothers Mobilize for America, Chicago, Ill., 1943-1944?
se også National Gentile League
- White Citizens’ Council, 1966-1967
- White Sentinel, Libertarian League
- Women United, 1972
- Women United for Action, 1972
- Women's Political Council
- Work Stoppage Committee, 1970-1972
- Workers League Club of Columbia, 1970-?
- Working Class Strategy and Support Collective of the Movement
for a New Society, ?-1988
- Walthan Concerned Citizens
- War Against Racism, 1970-?
- Workers League Club of Columbia, 1970
- Yankee Freemen
- Young People’s Socialist League, 1971-?
- Young Republicans, 1969
- Young Socialist Alliance, 1967-1975
- Se også: USA: Historie ; Hopedale
community ; ophørte
fredsbevægelser ; ophørte
politiske partier ; religion ; uddannelse.
Armed Forces Security Questionnaire. / : Central
Committee for Conscientious Objectors. - Philadelphia : 1962. - 5
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