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National Security Act of 1947. Bibliography Branch, Muir
S. Fairchild Research Information Center, Maxwell AFB, AL. August
Director of National Intelligence: Intelligence Community
Directives -
CRS: Drones in Domestic Surveillance Operations: Fourth
Amendment Implications and Legislative Responses. / : Richard M.
Thompson II. 2012. - 23 s.
CRS: Intelligence Spending and Appropriations: Issues for
Congress. / : Marshall C. Erwin ; Amy Belasco. 2013. - 20
'It is now publicly acknowledged that intelligence appropriations
are a significant component of the federal budget, over $78 billion
in FY2012 for both the national and military intelligence programs.
Limited publicly available data suggests intelligence spending,
measured in constant 2014 dollars, has roughly doubled since the
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and, before declines over the
last three years, was almost double spending at its peak at the end
of the cold war. The recent disclosure by the Washington Post of
details from the Administration’s FY2013 National
Intelligence Program (NIP) budget request may spark further debate
about intelligence spending.
Intelligence spending is spread across the seventeen organizations
comprising the intelligence community. Over 90% of NIP funding,
which focuses on strategic needs of decision makers and is
notionally under DNI control, falls within the Department of
Defense (DOD) budget. DOD members of the intelligence community
also receive funding for tactical intelligence from the Military
Intelligence Program (MIP), which is under the authority of the
Secretary of Defense but which may fund intelligence collection
platforms that could be used for both tactical and strategic
purposes. The remaining portions of the NIP fall within several
other cabinet departments and two independent agencies.
CRS: Government Access to Phone Calling Activity and Related
Records: Legal Authorities./ : Elizabeth B. Bazan, Gina Marie
Stevens, and Brian T. Yeh. 2007. - 21 s.
CRS: Intelligence Authorization Legislation
Status and Challenges. / : Richard F. Grimmett; Rebecca S.
Lange. 2012. - 19 s.
'In May 2011, Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act
for FY2011, which did contain a classified schedule of
authorizations; on June 8, the President signed the bill and it
became P.L. 112-18. In December 2011, both the House and Senate
passed H.R. 1892, the Intelligence Authorization for FY2012, which
also contained a classified schedule. H.R. 1892 was signed into law
by the President on January 3, 2012 (P.L. 112-87). Annual
intelligence authorization acts were first passed in 1978 after the
establishment of the two congressional intelligence committees and
were enacted every year until 2005.'
CRS: Reform of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
(FISC): Selection of Judges. / : Vivian S. Chu. 2014.
'In the past year, the decisions and functions of the courts
established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
have received much public attention. FISA established two
courts—the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) and
the FISA Court of Review— which have jurisdiction to review
government applications to conduct electronic surveillance for
foreign intelligence purposes. Various proposals have been
introduced in Congress to amend the law that authorizes such
surveillance and to change the internal practices and procedures of
the courts. This report focuses on those proposals that would amend
the process for selecting the judges who serve on the FISC and FISA
Court of Review.
Under the existing framework, the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme
Court “designates” existing federal judges to serve on
the FISA courts. While critics have argued that the current process
is partisan and lacks political accountability, transparency, and
oversight, the Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S.
Courts, acting on behalf of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
has expressed concern regarding proposals that would change the
existing framework. Proposals that would alter the process for
selecting FISA judges include S. 1460, the FISA Judge Selection
Reform Act, which would effectively shift authority to the chief
judges of the circuit courts; H.R. 2761, the Presidential
Appointment of FISA Court Judges Act, which would authorize the
President to choose FISA judges with the advice and consent of the
Senate; and H.R. 2586, the FISA Court Accountability Act, which
would permit Members of Congress to select FISA judges.'
Hillhouse, R.J.: Outsourcing Intelligence: How Bush Gets His
National Intelligence from Private Companies : Private corporations
are now a major staple of national intelligence and are heavily
involved in producing the most important and most sensitive
national security document -- the President's Daily Brief. The
Nation, July 31, 2007 .
National Security Archive: U.S. Espionage and Intelligence:
Organization, Operations, and Management, 1947-1996.
This publication 'publishes together for the first time recent
unclassified and newly declassified documents pertaining to the
organizational structure, operations, and management of the U.S.
intelligence community over the last fifty years, cross-indexed for
maximum accessibility. This set reproduces on microfiche 1,174
organizational histories, memoranda, manuals, regulations,
directives, reports, and studies, representing over 36,102 pages of
documents from the Office of the Director of Central Intelligence,
the Central Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office,
National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, military
service intelligence organizations, National Security Council and
other organizations'.
National Security Archive: U.S. Intelligence Policy
Documentation Project
Overhead Imagery: The U.S. Target : New Documents Trace
Controversial Use of Drones and other Aerial Surveillance for
Domestic National Security - from Safeguarding Major Sporting
Events to Law Enforcement to Tracking Wildfires
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 527. / :
Edited by Jeffrey T. Richelson.
Washington, D.C., August 24, 2015. - "FBI spy plane zeroes in on
Dearborn area" was the headline in The Detroit News on August 5,
2015. The story, which broke the news that the FBI had conducted at
least seven surveillance flights recently over downtown Detroit,
also raised a broader issue. It illustrated the fact that along
with the controversy concerning electronic surveillance activities
focused on telephone and e-mail records of United States citizens
there exists a corresponding source of controversy - the use of
satellites and assorted aircraft (manned and unmanned) to collect
imagery and conduct aerial surveillance of civilian targets within
the United States.
Today, the National Security Archive posts over forty documents,
many appearing online for the first time, related to the domestic
use of overhead imagery and the controversy it has generated. Among
those documents are:
- Annual activity reports of the Civil Applications Committee,
created in 1975 to provide a forum for interaction between the
Intelligence Community and civil agencies wanting information from
"national systems" (Document 2, Document 4, Document 6, Document
13, Document 16).
- Articles from a classified National Reconnaissance Office
magazine discussing the use of NRO imagery spacecraft to aid in
disaster relief (Document 9, Document 10, Document 23).
- Articles from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's
Pathfinder magazine, which describe how the NGA uses overhead
imagery to provide data to assorted agencies with responsibilities
in security operations and planning for National Special Security
Events (Document 12, Documents 20a, 20b, 20c, Document 26).
- Examples of imagery, obtained by the KH-9 spy camera, of two
targets in New York - the World Trade Center and Shea Stadium
(Document 29).
- Detailed NGA, NORTHCOM, and Air Combat Command internal
regulations governing the collection, dissemination and use of
domestic imagery (Document 17, Document 19, Document 34).
- A description and assessments of the Customs and Border
Protection service's use of drones (Document 24, Document 30,
Document 35, Document 37).
Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities
and the Rights of Americans Book III. Final Report of the
Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to
Intelligence Activities United States Senate April 23 (under
authority of the order of April 14), 1976.
The Evolution of American Military Intelligence by Marc B.
Powe and Edward Wilson, U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School,
Fort Huachuca, AZ, May 1973.
Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Committee on the
Judiciary, US Senate: Army Surveillance of Civilians:
A Documentary Analysis. 1972, 92d Congress, 2d session, 1972.