Geografi ; natur ; demografi ; historie ; ophørte fredsbevægelser ; ophørte politiske partier ; ophørte sociale bevægelser ; kultur ; biblioteker ; kunst ; film; musik ; musikorganisationer ; folkemusik ; jazz ; pop ; rock ; musiklitteratur ; politik: indenrigspolitik ; udenrigspolitik ; præsidenter ; regering ; lovgivende forsamling ; valg ; militær ; kernevåben ; efterretningstjenester ; aktuelle politiske partier 2010 ; aktuelle fredsbevægelser ; militærnægterorganisationer ; religion ; aktuelle sociale bevægelser ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; universiteter ; økonomi ; våbenhandel.

USAs krige og amerikansk deltagelse i krige

American involvement in wars

L'implication américaine dans les guerres

Participación estadounidense en las guerras

Amerikanische Beteiligung in Kriege

Der har været ført krige i både nord- og sydamerika både før og efter europæernes opdagelse af kontinenterne i midten af den europæiske middelalder. USAs udvidelse skyldes to ting: Køb af en række landområder som eksempelvis Alaska og Lousiana og krige. Krigene i Amerika med europæisk deltagelse starter som en række indianerkrige, der med tiden udvikler sig til folkemord.
I rækken af ophørte amerikansk baserede freds- militrnægter- og veteranorganisationer og i rækken af ophørte politiske partier protesterede mange af medlemmerne mod krigene.
There have been ongoing wars in both North and South America both before and after the Europeans' discovery of the continents in the middle of the European Middle Ages. U.S. expansion is due to two things: Buying a range of areas such as Alaska and Louisiana and wars. Wars in America with European participation begins as a series of Indian wars that eventually evolves into genocide. In the row of discontinued US-based peace, conscientious objectors and veteran organizations and in the line of stopped political parties many of the members protested against the wars.
History of the Indian Wars, to which is prefixed a short account of the discovery of America by Columbus, and of the landing of our forefathers at Plymouth, with their most remarkable engagements with the Indians in New England, from their first landing, in 1620, until the death of King Philip, in 1679. / : Henry Trumbull. A new ed., with an entire new arrangement, essential corrections, and large additions.
- Boston : Barton, 1846.
Prefatory matter signed: E. G. House.
Originally published under title: History of the discovery of America. "Added, a historical account of the sufferings of the inhabitants of the frontier settlements by the savages during the French and revolutionary wars."
Indianerkrigene: krige i forbindelse med udvidelsen af USA.

Indian Wars: Wars in connection with the enlargement of the United States.

Se også: American Battle Monuments Commission.

Se tillige: Afrikanske krige ; Krige fra Amerika ; Krige fra Asien ; Krige fra Europa ; Krige fra Oceanien (inkl. Australien og New Zealand)
Afghanske krige ; Albanske krige ; Algeriske krige ; Andorras krige ; Amerikanske krige ; Angolas krige ; Antigua & Barbudas krige ; Argentinske krige ; Armenske krige ; Aserbajdsjanse krige ; Australske krige ; Bahamas krige ; Bahrainske krige ; Bangladesh krige ; Barbados krige ; Belgiske krige ; Belizes krige ; Benins krige ; Bhutans krige ; Bolivianske krige ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas krige ; Botswanas krige ; Brasilianske krige ; Britiske krige ; Brunei Darussalamske krige ; Bulgarske krige ; Burkina Fasos krige ; Burundiske krige ; Canadiske krige ; Cambodjanske krige ; Camerouns krige ; Centralafrikanske krige ; Chiles krige ; Colombianske krige ; Comorernes krige ; Congolesiske krige ; Costa Ricanske krige ; Cubanske krige ; Cypriotiske krige ; Danske krige ; Den demokratiske republik Congos krige ; Djiboutiske krige ; Dominicas krige ; Dominicanske krige ; Ecuadors krige ; Egyptiske krige ; El Salvadors krige ; Elfenbenskystens krige ; Eritreas krige ; Estlands krige ; Etiopiske krige ; Fijis krige ; Filippinske krige ; Finske krige ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters krige ; Franske krige ; Færøske krige ; Gabons krige ; Gambianske krige ; Georgianske krige ; Ghanas krige ; Grenadas krige ; Græske krige ; Grønlandske krige ; Guatemalas krige ; Guineanske krige ; Guinea-Bissaus krige ; Guyanske krige ; Haitis krige ; Honduras krige ; Hollandske krige ; Hvideruslands krige ; Indiske krige ; Indonesiske krige ; Irakiske krige ; Iranske krige ; Islandske krige ; Irske krige ; Israelske krige ; Italienske krige ; Jamaicase krige ; Japanske krige ; Jordans krige ; Kap Verdiske krige ; Kasakhstaniske krige ; Kenyanske krige ; Kinesiske krige ; Kirgisistans krige ; Kiribatiske krige ; Kosovoanske krige ; Kroatiens krige ; Kuwaits krige ; Laotiske krige ; Lesothiske krige ; Letlandske krige ; Libanesiske krige ; Liberianske krige ; Libyske krige ; Liechtensteinske krige ; Litauens krige ; Luxembourgs krige ; Madagascarske krige ; Makedonske krige ; Malawiske krige ; Malaysianske krige ; Maldivienske krige ; Malis krige ; Maltesiske krige ; Marokkanske krige ; Marshalløernes krige ; Mauretaniens krige ; Mauritiuske krige ; Mexicanske krige ; Mikronesiske krige ; Moldoviske krige ; Monacoske krige ; Mongoliets krige ; Montenegros krige ; Mozambiques krige ; Myanmars krige ; Namibiaske krige ; Naurus krige ; Nepals krige ; New Zealandske krige ; Nicaraguanske krige ; Nigerske krige ; Nigerianskes krige ; Norske krige ; Nordkoreanske krige ; Omans krige ; Pakistanske krige ; Palaus krige ; Palæstinas krige ; Panamanske krige ; Papua Ny Guineanske krige ; Paraguays krige ; Peruvianske krige ; Polske krige ; Portugisiske krige ; Qatars krige ; Rumænske krige ; Russiske krige ; Rwandanske krige ; Salomonøernes krige ; Samoas krige ; San Marinos krige ; São Tomé & Principles krige ; Saudi-Arabiske krige ; Schweiziske krige ; Senegals krige ; Serbiske krige ; Seychellernes krige ; Sierra Leones krige ; Singapores krige ; Skotske krige ; Slovakiets krige ; Sloveniens krige ; Somaliske krige ; Spanske krige ; Sri Lankas krige ; St. Kitts & Nevis krige ; St. Lucias krige ; St. Vincent og Grenadinernes krige ; Sudanesisk krige ; Surinams krige ; Svenske krige ; Swazilands krige ; Sydafrikanske krige ; Sydkoreanske krige ; Sydsudans krige ; Syriske krige ; Tadsjikistanske krige ; Taiwanesiske krige ; Tanzanianske krige ; Tchadske krige ; Thailandske krige ; Tjekkisk krige ; Togos krige ; Tonganske krige ; Trinidad & Tobagos krige ; Tunesiske krige ; Turkmenistanske krige ; Tuvaluske krige ; Tyrkiske krige ; Tyske krige ; Ugandas krige ; Ukrainske krige ; Ungarnske krige ; Uruguayske krige ; Usbekistanske krige ; Vanuatuske krige ; Venezueleanske krige ; Vietnamesiske krige ; Yemens krige ; Zambiase krige ; Zimbabwes krige ; Ækvatorial Guineaske krige ; Østriske krige ; Østtimorske krige.


CRS: The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11. / : Amy Belasco, 2014.
War Slang: American Fighting Words and Phrases Since the Civil War. Second Edition. /: Paul Dickson.
- Washington, D.C. : Brassey's, Inc. 2004. -
U.S., Russia Sign Memorandum on Air Safety in Syria
By Lisa Ferdinando DoD News, Defense Media Activity
WASHINGTON October 20, 2015 — Senior U.S. and Russian defense officials signed a memorandum of understanding today on air safety in Syria, the Pentagon's press secretary said.
The memorandum of understanding, or MOU, is aimed at minimizing the risk of inflight incidents among coalition and Russian aircraft operating in Syrian airspace, Peter Cook said at a Pentagon's news conference.
Allied Participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom. / : Stephen A. Carney. Center of Military History, United States Army. Washington, D.C., 2011.
Leder: Den beskidte dronekrig. I: Information, 19. oktober 2015.
American Military Deaths in Afghanistan, and the Communities from Which These Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines Came. / Michael Zweig, Michael Porter, and Yuxiang Huang. Center for Study of Working Class Life, 2011. - 46 s.
Brown University: ‘Costs of War’ Project: Estimated cost of post-9/11 wars: 225,000 lives, up to $4 trillion, 2011.
Iran-Contraskandalen, 1985, 1986, 1987. Towerkommissionnen 1986. Danske skibes transporter af våben til Iran 1986.
Report of the congressional committees investigating the Iran- Contra Affair 1987, Vol. 1-36! ...etc.
Brug: United States. Congress. House. Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran, som søgeterm.
Iraq Wars Bibliography.
CRS: A Guide to U.S. Military Casualty Statistics: Operation Inherent Resolve, Operation New Dawn, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom. / : Hannah Fischer, 2014.
CRS: U.S. Military Casualty Statistics: Operation New Dawn, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom.
/ : Hannah Fischer. February 5, 2013. - 13 s.
'This report presents statistics regarding U.S. military casualties in the active Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF, Afghanistan), as well as operations that have ended: Operation New Dawn (OND, Iraq) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF, Iraq). This report includes statistics on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), amputations, evacuations, and the demographics of casualties. Some of these statistics are publicly available at the Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) website, whereas others have been obtained through contact with experts at DOD.'
Mental Disorders Among OEF/OIF Veterans Using VA Health Care: Facts and Figures. / : Erin Bagalman. February 4, 2013. - 11 s.
'Using data from the VA, this brief report addresses the number of veterans with (1) depression or bipolar disorder, (2) posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and (3) substance use disorders. For each topic, this report also briefly describes what the VA is doing in terms of screening and treatment.
From FY2002 through FY2012, 1.6 million OEF/OIF veterans (including members of the Reserve and National Guard) left active duty and became eligible for VA health care; by the end of FY2012, 56% of them had enrolled and obtained VA health care. The VA publishes the cumulative prevalence of selected mental disorders among OEF/OIF veterans using VA health care, based on information in the VA’s electronic health records.'
History of US Rule in Latin America: Elections and Resistance to the Coup in Honduras. Beginning with an overview of the four Nobel Peace Prize winning US President's influences on the region.Filmed by Paul Hubbard at Massachusetts Institute of Technology on 12-15-09.
Treaty registered on 15 March 1950 No. 747.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, France, Australia, etc.:
Treaty of Peace with Italy. Signed at Paris, on 10 February 1947.
Grimmett, Richard F.: Listing of Notable Deployments of U.S. Military Forces Overseas, 1798-2008.
The Home Front Encyclopedia: United States, Britain, and Canada in World Wars I and II.
- Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, Inc., 2007. - 1546 s.
Et godt og veldokumenteret almindeligt opslagsværk om dagligdagen under de to krige.
The National Historic Landmarks Program: World War II and the American Home Front. National Park Service, 2007. - 198 pp.
Iraq, Afghanistan, and the global war on terrorism : hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, August 3, November 15, 2006
Great Speckled Bird - Underground Magazine
The Great Speckled Bird was one of several underground newspapers that appeared in the United States in the 1960s. Published in Atlanta from 1968 to 1976, The Bird, as it was commonly known, stood out among the alternative press for the quality of its writing, its cover art and its fearless opinions and reporting on a range of topics—national and local politics, the counterculture, women's issues, gay liberation, reproductive choice, music, art…The Bird was a new, radical voice from the South.
Great Speckled Memories: Back when The Bird Really Was the Word (UPDATE 1) . / : Jonathan springston. Atlanta Progressive News, May 9, 2006.
- the-word-update-1/
'The Bird had a habit of criticizing the local establishment, be it the police who harassed local hippies and Bird vendors, real estate developers, or City Hall, especially then-Mayor of Atlanta Sam Massell.
The 1972 Office Firebombing
In May 1972, an unknown assailant(s) firebombed The Bird office at 240 Westminster Drive in the middle of the night. Most of the house was destroyed along with back issues of the paper and other artifacts. A police report was filed but no arrest was ever made in connection with the crime. Most Atlanta residents denounced the attack.'
Cole, Ronald H.: Operation Urgent Fury : the planning and execution of joint operations in Grenada, 12 October-2 November 1983. - Washington, DC : Joint History Office, Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1997. - 93 s.
Current operations in Bosnia, North Korea, Haiti, and the Caribbean : hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, May 10, 1995 (1996).
Dakota indianerkrigen i 1862 / Dakota War of 1862
Dakota Conflict of 1862 Manuscripts Collections. Microfilm Reel I-IV
- Saint Paul : Minnesota Historical Society, 1994.
This compilation comprises a variety of small collections of letters, reminiscences, reports, diaries, and related materials dealing with Minnesota’s Dakota Conflict and related activities of 1862-1865. A collection summary, a reel contents list, and a description of each individual collection are available on the Internet: -
Digitization made possible by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the vote of Minnesotans on November 4, 2008. Administered by the Minnesota Historical Society
Authorizing the use of United States Armed Forces in Somalia : markup before the Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session on S.J. Res. 45, April 27, 1993 (1995).
A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of World War II Research Collections: Records of the War Department's Operations Division, 1942-1945. Part 1, World War II operations [microform], Series A. European and Mediterranean Theaters. / : Guide compiled by Blair D. Hydrick. University Publications of America, 1993. - 39 s.
War of 1812 military bounty land warrants, 1815-1858 [microfilm] (1971). - 1196 s.
- United States. National Archives and Records Service
'"[Reproduces] 105 bound volumes containing two series of military bounty land warrants issued between 1815 and 1858 to veterans of the War of 1812, and four volumes of index to the warrants"--Introd
Records of the Bureau of Land Management. Record Group 49
reel 1. Indexes, 1812, 1814, 1842 ; Vols. 1-6 (1812), warrant numbers 1-1726 -- reel 2. Vols. 7-14 (1812), warrant numbers 1727-4010 -- reel 3. Vols. 15-22 (1812), warrant numbers 4011-6314 -- reel 4. Vols. 23-30 (1812), warrant numbers 6315-8618 -- reel 5. Vols. 31-38 (1812), warrant numbers 8619-10918 -- reel 6. Vols. 39-46 (1812), warrant numbers 10919-13220 -- reel 7. Vols. 47-54 (1812), warrant numbers 13221-15524 -- reel 8. Vols. 55-62 (1812), warrant numbers 15525-17826 -- reel 9. Vols. 63-70 (1812), warrant numbers 17827-20120 -- reel 10. Vols. 71-78 (1812), warrant numbers 20121-22382 -- reel 11. Vols. 79-83 (1812), warrant numbers 22383-23870; 3 unnumbered vols. (1812), warrant numbers 23871-24770 -- reel 12. 7 unnumbered vols. (1812), warrant numbers 24771-26870 -- reel 13. 8 unnumbered vols. (1812), warrant numbers 26871-28085 -- reel 14. Vols. 1-3 (1814), warrant numbers 1-855; 1 unnumbered vol. (1814), warrant numbers 856-1076
Records relating to War of 1812 prisoners of war [microform] (1995). - 347 s.
Records are part of RG 94, Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, and are designated as Subseries 2 of Entry 127 in the National Archives Preliminary Inventory (PI) 17. Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1784-1947. The records primarily concern American soldiers, but some also relate to civilians and British soldiers.
War of 1812 papers of the Department of State, 1789-1815 [microfilm] (1964).
'Reel 1. Letters received concerning letters of marque, 1812-14. Letters received regarding enemy aliens, 1812-14 -- Reel 2. U.S. Marshals' returns of enemy aliens and prisoners of war, 1812-15 (Part I) -- Reel 3. U.S. Marshals' returns of enemy aliens and prisoners of war, 1812-15 (Part II) -- Reel 4. Requests for permission to sail from the United States, 1812-14. Passenger lists of outgoing vessels, 1812-14 -- Reel 5. Correspondence regarding passports, 1812-14 -- Reel 6. Agreements for the exchange of prisoners of war, 1812, 1813. Miscellaneous letters received concerning the release of prisoners, 1812-15. Reports of William Lambert, secret agent, 1813. Memorandum regarding proper dress for a U.S. Minister -- Reel 7. Miscellaneous intercepted correspondence, 1789-1814.
Burns, Annie Walker Major index to pension list of the War of 1812, I-IV ([<1950-1966 >). - 224 s.
v. 1. Aaron to Adamson -- v. 2. Joseph Adamson to Thomas Alexander -- v. 4. Josiah Allen to Charles Ames -- [v. 5.] Charles Ames ... to Andrews, Henry or Henry Anders -- v. 6. Henry Andrews or Henry Andrs to Anthoney- Anothony Applegate
Index to War of 1812 pension application files [microfilm] (1960). - 780 s.
reel 1. A-Alld -- reel 2. Alle-And -- reel 3. Ane-Aus -- reel 4. Aut-Bak -- reel 5. Bal-Baro -- reel 6. Barr-Bear -- reel 7. Beas-Ben -- reel 8. Ber-Blai -- reel 9. Blak-Bop -- reel 10. Bor-Brai -- reel 11. Brak-Broo -- reel 12. Bros-Broz -- reel 13. Bru-Burm -- reel 14. Burn-By -- reel 15. C-Carl -- reel 16. Carm-Cast -- reel 17. Casw-Che -- reel 18. Chi-Cla -- reel 19. Cle-Cold -- reel 20. Cole-Conl -- reel 21. Conn-Corm -- reel 22. Corn-Crav -- reel 23. Craw-Cum -- reel 24. Cun-Dau -- reel 25. Dav-Daz -- reel 26. De -- reel 27. Di-Dot -- reel 29. Dunk-Edr -- reel 30. Eds-Ep -- reel 31. Er-Fa -- reel 32. Fe-Fla -- reel 33. Fle-Fou -- reel 34. Fow-Fu11 -- reel 35. Fulm-Ga -- reel 36. Ge-Gi -- reel 37. Gl-Go -- reel 38. Gra-Gree -- reel 39. Greg-Gy -- reel 40. H-Hame -- reel 41. Hami-Harm -- reel 42. Harn-Has -- reel 43. Hat-Hed -- reel 44. Hee-Hib -- reel 45. Hic-Hiz -- reel 46. Hoa-Hon -- reel 47. Hoo-Howe -- reel 48. Howk-Huns -- reel 49. Hunt-I -- reel 50. J-Jod -- reel 51. Joh-Jol -- reel 52. Jon-Ju -- reel 53. K-Ke -- reel 54. Ki-Kna -- reel 55. Kne-Land -- reel 56. Lane-Led -- reel 57. Lee-Lez -- reel 58. Li-Lon -- reel 59. Loo-Ly -- reel 60. M-McC -- reel 61. McD-McK -- reel 62. McL-Mann -- reel 63. Mano-Mas -- reel 64. Mat-Merr -- reel 65. Mers-Mill -- reel 66. Milm-Moon -- reel 67. Moor-Morr -- reel 68. Mors-Mu -- reel 69. My-Ne -- reel 70. Ni-Ny -- reel 71. O -- reel 72. P-Pas -- reel 73. Pat-Pen -- reel 74. Pep-Pic -- reel 75. Pid-Por -- reel 76. Pos-Pr -- reel 77. Pu-Ra -- reel 78. Re-Rice -- reel 79. Rich-Robb -- reel 80. Robe-Rol -- reel 81. Rom-Ry -- reel 82. S-Sci -- reel 83. Sco-Shar -- reel 84. Shas-Shy -- reel 85. Si-Smil -- reel 86. Smit-Smith, R. -- reel 87. Smith, S.-Spe -- reel 88. Spi-Step -- reel 89. Ster-Sto -- reel 90. Stu-Sz -- reel 91. T-Thi -- reel 92. Tho-Tun -- reel 93. Tin-Turb -- reel 94. Turc-Vanr -- reel 95. Vans-Walk -- reel 96. Wall-Wats -- reel 97. Wau-Wes -- reel 98. Wet-Wie -- reel 99. Wig-Willi -- reel 100. Willk-Won -- reel 101. Woo-Wr -- reel 102. Wu-Z
The Budget of the United States Government for the Fiscal Year ending June 30 1941.
- United States Government Printing Office Washington : 1940. - 1234 s.

'To translate the consideration of the Budget from forensics to national needs, I submit a summary for the fiscal year 1941 of approximate expenditures required to meet these needs: National defense $1,800,000,000 ...
National defense.
—These estimates represent expenditures needed to develop and maintain our normal defense preparations. They also include, in view of the current world situation, the emergency expenditures required for the War and Na^'y Departments, the Coast Guard, Department of Justice, and the Panama Canal. In order that these emergency reqiurements may be clearly shown I have segregated them for both the fiscal years 1940 and 1941. They call for supplemental appropriations of $272,000,000 in the fiscal year 1940, and appropriations of $302,000,000 in the fiscal year 1941. Expenditures are estimated at $160,000,000 and $300,000,000 jn these two years.'

Danske i kamp i og for Amerika, fra ca 1640 til 1865. / : Peter Vig Sorensen.
- Omaha, Neb. : Axel H. Andersen, inc., 1917.
'A detailed history of Danes who fought in and for America from 1640 through 1865, most of whom fought in the American military, although some fought for the British or French. The Civil War section (pp. 180-381) is particularly detailed, often giving names, regiments, dates and places of birth, and other facts of use to genealogists.'
Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols, and agreements between the United States of America and other powers... (1910).
United States. Adjutant-General's Office: Correspondence relating to the war with Spain and conditions growing out of the same, including the insurrection in the Philippine Islands and the China Relief Expedition, between the Adjutant-General of the army and military commanders in the United States, Cuba, Porto Rico, China, and the Philippine Islands, from April 15, 1898, to July 30, 1902 (1902)
US NAVY: Use by the United States of a military force in the internal affairs of Colombia, etc. [under the treaty of 1846] (1904).
Major General Smedley Butler: War Is a Racket.
Small Wars Manual, United States Marine Corps. 1921, 1940.
Documentary history of the armed neutralities, 1780 and 1800, together with selected documents relating to the War of American Independence 1776-1783 and the Dutch War 1780-1784 (1919).
United States. War Dept: Statements of apropriations, expenditures, and balances, seacoast fortifications and field artillery (organized militia artillery excluded) for the United States and its insular possessions (Panama canal excluded) 1888 to June 30, 1915 inclusive .. (1916).
The cost of war and warfare to June 30, 1903; extended by estimate to Dec. 31, 1903 (1903)
Newton Allen: Alphabetical list of battles, 1754-1900; War of the Rebellion, Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection, and all old wars, with dates: summary of events of the War of the Rebellion, 1860-1865, Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection, 1898-1900; troubles in China, 1900, with other valuable information. Compiled from official records (1900).
Official army register of the volunteer force of the United States army for the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65 .. (1865).
Compiled service records of soldiers who served in the American Army during the Revolutionary war [microfilm] (1972).
The Creek War of 1813 and 1814 (1895). / Halbert, Henry Sale; Timothy Horton Ball, joint author.
- Chicago, Ill., Donohue & Henneberry; Montgomery, Ala., White, Woodruff, & Fowler. - 354 s.
Eggleston, George Cary: American war ballads and lyrics; a collection of the songs and ballads of the colonial wars, the revolution, the war of 1812-15, the war with Mexico, and the civil war; (1889). , og
The Black Hawk War, 1831-1832 : v. II, letters and papers; part I, April 30, 1831-June 23, 1832 (1973).
The Black Hawk War, 1831-1832 (1970)
The expedition against the Sauk and Fox Indians, 1832 (1914)
Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk war, 1831-32, and in the Mexican war, 1846-8, containing a complete roster of commissioned officers and enlisted men of both wars, taken from the official rolls on file in the War department, Washington, D. C. With an appendix, giving a record of the services of the Illinois militia, rangers and riflemen, in protecting the frontier from the ravages of the Indians from 1810 to 1813 (1882
Autobiography of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk, embracing the traditions of his nation, various wars in which he has been engaged, and his account of the cause and general history of the Black Hawk war of 1832, his surrender, and travels through the United States (1882).
Indian wars of the West [microform] : containing biographical sketches of those pioneers who headed the western settlers in repelling the attacks of the savages : together with a view of the character, manners, monuments, and antiquities of the western Indians (1833).
Gallatin, Albert: Peace with Mexico.
- New York : Bartlett & Welford, 1847. - 42 s.
Calendar of the correspondence of George Washington, commander in chief of the Continental army, with the Continental congress (1906).
Historical register of officers of the Continental Army during the war of the revolution, April 1775, to December, 1783 (1914).
Officers of the Continental army who served to the end of the war and acquired the right to commutation pay and bounty land : also officers killed in battle, or died in service (1849).
Murray, James: An impartial history of the war in America; from its first commencement, to the present time ; together with the charters of the several colonies, and other authentic information ; likewise, the rise, progress, and political springs of the war now carrying on between Great-Britain, and the united powers of France, Spain, Holland, and America ; with a particular account of the several engagements both by sea and land (1782).
Wrong, George McKinnon: The Conquest of New France: A chronicle of the colonial wars.
Soldiers in King Philip's war; being a critical account of that war, with a concise history of the Indian wars of New England from 1620-1677, official lists of the soldiers of Massachusetts colony serving in Philip's war, and sketches of the principal officers, copies of ancient documents and records relating to the war, also lists of the Narraganset grantees of the united colonies, Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Conneticut; with an appendix, 3d ed., with additional appendix containing corrections and new material (1906).
Andrews, Charles: The prisoners' memoirs, or, Dartmoor prison : containing a complete and impartial history of the entire captivity of the Americans in England, from the commencement of the late war between the United States and Great Britain, until all prisoners were released by the Treaty of Ghent, also a particular detail of all occurences relative to that horrid massacre at Dartmoor, on the fatal evening of the 6th of April, 1815. - New York : Printed for the author, 1815. - 302 s.
Hubbard, William: A narrative of the Indian wars in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677: containing a relation of the occasions, rise and progress of the war with the Indians, in the southern, western, eastern and northern parts of said country. - Brattleborough: Published by William Fessenden, 1814. - 370 s.
Murray, Ellen, "Rare Book Project" (2009). English Student Research, Projects, and Publications. Paper 1.
Georgia State University. -
'In 1677, two editions of Hubbard’s work were published—one in Boston and the other in London. Both were quartos, but they had different titles; the Boston edition was titled A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from the First Planting thereof in the Year 1607, to This Present Year 1677. But Chiefly of the Late Troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676. To Which Is Added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods in the Year 1637, and the London edition was titled The Present State of New-England. Being a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from the First Planting thereof in the Year 1607 to This Present Year 1677. But Chiefly of the Late Troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676. To Which Is Added a Discourse about the Warre with the Pequods in the Year 1637.
Smith, William: An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians in the year MDCCLXIV under the command of Henry Bouquet, Esq., colonel of foot and now brigadier general in America : including his transactions with the Indians ... to which are annexed military papers containing reflections of the war with the savages, a method of forming frontier settlements, some account of the Indian country, with a list of nations, fighting men, towns, distances and different routes.
- Dublin : Printed for John Milliken ..., 1764. - 130 s.

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