- Geografi ; natur
; klima ; historie ;
ophørte fredsbevægelser ;
ophørte politiske partier ;
ophørte sociale bevægelser ; krige ; kultur ; biblioteker ; kunst ; film; musik ; musikorganisationer ;
folkemusik ; jazz ;
pop ; rock ;
musiklitteratur ; politik:
indenrigspolitik ; udenrigspolitik ; præsidenter ;
regering ; lovgivende forsamling ; valg ; militær ;
kernevåben ;
efterretningstjenester ; aktuelle politiske
partier 2010 ; aktuelle
fredsbevægelser ;
militærnægterorganisationer ;
religion ; aktuelle sociale
bevægelser ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ;
universiteter ; økonomi ; våbenhandel.
U.S. demographics
- Europæisk slavehandel /
European slave trade / Traite européenne des esclaves /
Comercio europeo de esclavos / Europäische Sklavenhandel.
Immigrationsfængsler / Immigration Prisons.
- United States Census 1790-1930. United States.
Immigration and Naturalization Service.
- Indvandring - vigtigste befolkningsgrupper: Afghanere,
albanere, argentinere, barbadiere,
bruneiere, britter, bulgarer,
cogolesere, costaricanere,
danskere, dominikanere, dreamers
; ethiopere, franskmænd - herunder baskere og
huguenotter 1560-ff, haitianere, hollændere, indere - herunder tvangsudviste indiske
emigranter fra Uganda 1972 ff, irakkere,
iranere, irlændere, italienere,
japanere [Tule Lake],
kapverdere, jøder, kinerere, kurdere, libanesere,
maltesere, mexikanere, mocambiquere,
palæstinensere (the U.S. Palestinian Community Network
(USPCN)), rumænere, russere - herunder Adyghefolket og de
pacifistiske Molokanere,
Saudiarabere, serbere, skandinaver (Scandihoovians) ; Nya Swerige,
syrere, tamiler fra Sri Lanka,
tchaderere, tibetanere, tonganere,
tunesere, tyrkere,
tyskere (herunder
Ligabørn) - se the Overman
Committee og vietnamesere.
- Udvandring: Australien,
Brasilien, Canada, Chile, De
forenede arabiske Emirater, Frankrig, Grækenland, Indien, Irland, Israel, Italien, Japan, Kap Verde,
Liberia, Mexico (Los Repatriados),
Mikronesien, Monaco, Norge,
Storbritannien, Taiwan, Tyrkiet,
Tyskland og Sverige.
- Minoritetsgrupper: Indianere, kreolere.
The history of the American Indians; particularly those nations
adjoining to the Missisippi [!] East and West Florida, Georgia,
South and North Carolina, and Virginia: containing an account of
their origin, language, manners, religious and civil customs, laws,
form of government, punishments, conduct in war and domestic life,
their habits, diet, agriculture, manufactures, diseases and method
of cure... With observations on former historians, the conduct of
our colony governors, superintendents, missionaries, & c. Also
an appendix, containing a description of the Floridas, and the
Missisippi [!] lands, with their productions--the benefits of
colonizing Georgiana, and civilizing the Indians--and the way to
make all the colonies more valuable to the mother country...
- Se også:
War Brides Act, 1945. Chinese War Brides Act, 1946.
- Se tillige: Afrikansk demografi
; Amerikas demografi ; Asiens demografi ; Europæisk demografi ; Latinamerikansk demografi.
- Algerisk demografi ; Andorras demografi ; Angolas demografi ; Antigua & Barbudas demografi ; Armensk demografi ; Aserbajdsjans demografi ; Australsk demografi ; Bahamaøerne demografi ; Bahrains demografi ; Bangladesh demografi ; Belgisk demografi ; Belizes demografi ; Benins demografi ; Bhutans demografi ; Boliviansk demografi ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas demografi ; Botswanas demografi ; Brasiliansk demografi ; Brunei Darussalams demografi ; Bulgarsk demografi ; Burkina Fasos demografi ; Burundis demografi ; Canadisk demografi ; Cambodjansk demografi ; Camerouns demografi ; Centralafrikansk demografi ; Chilensk demografi ; Colombiansk demografi ; Comorernes demografi ; Congolesisk demografi ; Costa Ricas demografi ; Cubansk demografi ; Cypriotisk demografi ; Den demokratiske republik Congos demografi ;
Djiboutis demografi ; Dominicansk demografi ;
Ecuadoriansk demografi ; Engelsk
demografi ; Egyptisk demografi ;
El Salvadors demografi ; Elfenbenskystens demografi ; Eritreas demografi ; Estlands demografi ; Etiopisk demografi ; Fijis demografi ; Filippinsk demografi ; Finsk demografi ; Fransk demografi ; Fransk Polynesiens demografi ; Færøsk demografi ; Gabons demografi ; Gambias demografi ; Georgiansk demografi ; Ghanas demografi ; Grenadas demografi ; Græsk demografi ; Grønlandsk demografi ; Guatemalas demografi ; Guineas demografi ; Guinea-Bissaus demografi ; Guyansk demografi ; Haitiansk demografi ; Honduras demografi ; Hvideruslands demografi ; Indisk demografi ; Indonesisk demografi ; Iraks demografi ; Iransk demografi ; Irsk demografi ;
Islandsk demografi ; Israels
demografi ; Italiensk demografi
; Jamaicas demografi ; Jordans demografi ; Kap Verdisk demografi ; Kasakhstanisk demografi ; Kenyas demografi ; Kirgisistans demografi ; Kiribatis demografi ; Kosovos demografi ; Kroatiens demografi ; Kuwaits demografi ; Laotisk demografi ; Lesothisk demografi ; Letlands demografi ; Liberiansk demografi ; Libysk demografi ; Liechtensteins demografi ; Litauens demografi ; Luxembourgs demografi ; Madagascars demografi ; Makedonsk demografi ; Malawis demografi ; Malaysias demografi ; Maldiviensk demografi ; Malis demografi ; Maltesisk demografi ; Marokkansk demografi ; Marshalløernes demografi ; Mauretaniens demografi ; Mauritius demografi ; Mexicansk demografi ; Mikronesisk demografi ; Moldovisk demografi ; Monacos demografi ; Mongoliets demografi ; Montenegros demografi ; Mozambiques demografi ; Myanmars demografi ; Namibias demografi ; Naurus demografi ; Nepals demografi ; New Zealandsk demografi ; Nicaraguansk demografi ; Nigers demografi ; Nigerias demografi ; Norsk demografi ; Nordkoreansk demografi ; Omans demografi ; Pakistansk demografi ; Palaus demografi ; Palæstinas demografi ; Panamas demografi ; Papua Ny Guineansk demografi ; Paraguays demografi ; Peruviansk demografi ; Polsk demografi ; Portugisisk demografi ; Qatars demografi ; Rumænsk demografi ; Russisk demografi ; Rwandas demografi ; Salomonøernes demografi ; Samoas demografi ; San Marinos demografi ; São Tomé & Principles
demografi ; Schweizisk demografi
; Senegals demografi ; Seychellernes demografi ; Sierra Leones demografi ; Singapores demografi ; Skotsk demografi ; Slovakiets demografi ; Sloveniens demografi ; Somalisk demografi ; Spansk demografi ; Sri Lankas demografi ; St. Kitts & Nevis demografi ; St. Lucias demografi ; St. Vincent og Grenadinernes demografi ; Sudanesisk demografi ; Surinams demografi ; Svensk demografi ; Swazilands demografi ; Sydafrikansk demografi ; Sydkoreansk demografi ; Sydsudans demografi ; Syrisk demografi ; Tadsjikistans demografi ; Taiwanesisk demografi ; Tanzanias demografi ; Thailandsk demografi ; Tjekkisk demografi ; Togos demografi ; Tongas demografi ; Trinidad & Tobagos demografi ; Tunesisk demografi ; Turkmenistans demografi ; Tuvalus demografi ; Ugandas demografi ; Ukrainsk demografi ; Ungarnsk demografi ; Uruguays demografi ; Usbekistans demografi ; Vanuatus demografi ; Venezuelas demografi ; Vietnamesisk demografi ; Yemens demografi ;
Zambias demografi ; Zimbabwes
demografi ; Ækvatorial
Guineas demografi ; Østrisk
demografi ; Østtimors
- Burcharth, Martin: Obamas udvisningspolitik river familier
fra hinanden. I: Information, 04/22/2014.
CRS: The Changing Demographic Profile
of the United States.
/ : Laura B. Shrestha ; Elayne J. Heisler, 2011.
Childhood Firearm Injuries in the United States. / : Katherine
A. Fowler et al. Pediatrics 2017;140(1):e20163486
Recent evidence from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to
Violence indicates that 4.2% of children aged 0 to 17 in the United
States have witnessed a shooting in the past year. Children across
the United States also directly experience the fatal and nonfatal
consequences of firearm violence. Firearm-related deaths are the
third leading cause of death overall among US children aged 1 to 17
CRS: Unauthorized Aliens Residing in the United States:
Estimates Since 1986. / : Ruth Ellen Wasem. Specialist in
Immigration Policy. December 13, 2012. - 19 s.
'Estimates derived from the March Supplement of the U.S. Census
Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) indicate that the
unauthorized resident alien population (commonly referred to as
illegal aliens) rose from 3.2 million in 1986 to 12.4 million in
2007, before leveling off at 11.1 million in 2011. The estimated
number of unauthorized aliens had dropped to 1.9 million in 1988
following passage of a 1986 law that legalized several million
unauthorized aliens. Jeffrey Passel, a demographer with the Pew
Hispanic Research Center, has been involved in making these
estimations since he worked at the U.S. Bureau of the Census in the
Similarly, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of
Immigration Statistics (OIS) reported an estimated 11.5 million
unauthorized alien residents as of January 2011, up from 8.5
million in January 2000. The OIS estimated that the unauthorized
resident alien population in the United States increased by 37%
over the period 2000 to 2008, before leveling off since 2009. The
OIS estimated that 6.8 million of the unauthorized alien residents
in 2011 were from Mexico. About 33% of unauthorized residents in
2011 were estimated to have entered the United States since 2000,
but the rate of illegal entry appears to be slowing. The OIS based
its estimates on data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American
Community Survey.'
Forced to flee: caring for the elderly displaced by war,
poverty, and persecution abroad : hearing before the Special
Committee on Aging, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth
Congress, first session, Washington, DC, December 5, 2007. U.S.
G.P.O., 2008 - 104 s.
'Many of the individuals we will discuss here today are elderly
refugees who fled persecution or torture in their home countries.
They include Jews fleeing religious persecution in the former
Soviet Union. Iraqi Kurds fleeing the former Saddam Hussein regime.
Cubans and Hmong people from the highlands of Laos who served on
the side of the United States military during the Vietnam war. Many
of these refugees are elderly, and some are disabled and unable to
work. Some have come with their families, some have come alone.
Many are working to learn, at an advanced age, a new language and a
new culture.
In my home State of Oregon, we have welcomed more than 55,000
refugees from around the world since 1975. Nearly twothirds of
Oregon's refugee population are from the former Soviet Union or
Vietnam. Many of these refugees found themselves fighting for and
otherwise helping the United States in war. The remaining one-third
of Oregon's refugees come from many Nations who have found
themselves in troubled times. Somalia, Cuba, Bosnia and Afghanistan
are just a few. Of these refugees, many are elderly and some will
require additional services and support as they age.' s. 5.
- http://aging.senate.gov/hearing_detail.cfm?id=321326&
Chicago foreign language press survey Volume: 3, Danish (1874).
- http://www.archive.org/details/5420780_3
CRS: Mexican Migration to
the United States: Policy and Trends. /: Marc R. Rosenblum
et al. 2012. - 47 s.
National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights.
Russian emigré recollections: life in Russia and California
: oral history transcript / 1979-1983 (c1986)
- http://www.archive.org/details/russianemigre00pierrich
Hansen, Marcus Lee. The Mingling of the Canadian and American
Peoples. Vol 1: Historical. The Relations of Canada and the United
States, Ayer.
- New Haven : Yale University Press; Toronto, : The Ryerson Press;
[etc., etc.] for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
Division of Economics and History, 1940.
The Japanese crisis ([c1916]).
- http://www.archive.org/details/crisisjapanese00scherich
Vig, Peter Sørensen: Den danske udvandring til Amerika :
dens aarsager og veje tilligemed en udsigt over dansk litteratur om
Amerika og dansk-amerikanske skrifter om danskernes liv og
færd herovre rejsen til Amerika samt træk fra
udvandreres liv her i landet ; et bidrag til danskernes historie
udenfor Danmark (1915).
- http://www.archive.org/details/dendanskeundvand05vigprich
The Swedish Colonial Society
- http://www.colonialswedes.org/index.htm
Hull-House maps and papers, a presentation of nationalities and
wages in a congested district of Chicago, together with comments
and essays on problems growing out of the social conditions
- http://archive.org/details/hullhousemapspap00newy
'Prefatory note by Jane Addams.--Map notes and comments, by Agnes
Sinclair Holbrook---The sweating-system, by Florence
Kelley.--Wage-earning children, by Florence Kelley and Alzina P.
Stevens.--Receipts and expenditures of cloakmakers in Chicago, by
Isabel Eaton.--The Chicago ghetto, by Charles Zeublin.--The
Bohemian people in Chicago, by Josefa Humpal Zeman.--Remarks upon
the Italian colony in Chicago, by Alessandro Mastro-Valerio.--The
Cook county charities, by Julia C. Lathrop.--Art and labor, by
Ellen Gates Starr.--The settlement as a factor in the labor
movement, by Jane Addams.--Appendix. Hull-House: a social
Emily Greene Balch: Our Slavic fellow citizens (1910).
- http://www.archive.org/details/ourslavicfellowc00balc
Ed. Erslev : Lidt om Kreolerne. I: Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 6
Baird, Charles Washington: Histoire des réfugiés
huguenots en Amérique.
- Toulouse [France] : Société des livres religieux,
1886. - 682 s.
- http://www.archive.org/details/cihm_04083
Hotten, John Camden: The original lists of persons of quality;
emigrants; religious exiles; political rebels; serving men sold for
a term of years; apprentices; children stolen; maidens pressed; and
others who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations,
1600-1700 : with their ages and the names of the ships in which
they embarked, and other interesting particulars; from mss.
preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public
Record Office, England (1874).
- http://www.archive.org/details/originallistsofp00hottuoft
The Cyclopaedia of American biography. New enl. ed. of Appleton's
cyclopaedia of American biography, originally edited by James Grant
Wilson and John Fiske. Revision to 1914 complete under editorial
supervision of Charles Dick and James E. Homans I-VIII (1918).
- http://www.archive.org/details/cyclopaediaofame08wilsuoft
The Japanese in America (1872).
- http://www.archive.org/details/japaneseinameric00lanmrich
Census of the United States and territories and of British America
: giving the population by counties and districts, together with
the cities and principal towns : copied from the latest official
census of both countries (1867).
- http://www.archive.org/details/cihm_25145
Anthony Benezet: Some observations
on the situation, disposition, and character of the Indian natives
of this continent (1784).
- http://www.archive.org/details/cihm_27966
An account of the European settlements in America : in six parts:
I. A short history of the discovery to that part of the world, II.
The manners and customs of the original inhabitants, III. Of the
Spanish settlements, IV. Of the Portuguese, V. Of the French,
Dutch, and Danish, VI. Of the English. Each Part contains An
accurate description of the settlements in it, their extent,
climate, productions, trade, genius and disposition of their
inhabitants: the interests of the several powers of Europe with
respect to those settlements; and their political and commercial
views with regard to each other. In two volumes. The fifth edition,
with improvements (1765 ; 1770).
- http://www.archive.org/details/cihm_32428 , og
- http://www.archive.org/details/anaccountofeurop02burkiala
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