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Amerikansk  musiklitteratur

US American music literature
Littérature de la musique américaine
EEUU literatura música americana
US-amerikanische Musikliteratur
Bibliografier / Bibliographies / Bibliografías / Bibliographien
CSUS Music: Sources on American Music
American music librarianship : a research and information guide / Carol June Bradley.
p. cm. -- (Routledge music bibliographies, 2005.
Bibliographical Handbook of American Music. / : Donald William Krummel. University of Illinois Press, 1987.
A blues bibliography: the international literature of an Afro-American music genre. / : Robert Ford. Paul Pelletier, 1999.
A Checklist of American Music Periodicals 1850-1900. / : William J. Weichlein. ; Detroit Studies in Music Bibliography; 16). Information Coordinators, Inc . Detroit, 1970.
The Literature of American Music in Books and Folk Music Collections: A Fully Annotated Bibliography. / : David Horn. Waterstones, 2000.
Music Literature, Music, and Sound Recordings. / : Vincent Duckles.
- Omtale af: Music Lexicography. / : James B. Coover: 1958.
Sourcebook for Research in Music. / : Phillip Crabtree, Donald H. Foster.Indiana University Press, 2005.
Women in American Music: A Bibliography of Music and Literature. / : Carol Nuels Bates ; Adrienne Fried Block. Greenwood Press, 1979.
Brass Music of Black Composers: A Bibliography. / : Aaron Horne. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996.
Dictionary of American Classical Composers. / : Neil Butterworth. Routledge, 2013.
The Dictionary of American Classical Composers covers over 650 composers active from the 18th century to today. Covering all classical styles. A dictionary of American composers. / : Neil Butterworth. Garland Pub., 1984.
Almindelige fremstillinger / General reference works
The American History and Encyclopedia of Music, vol I-XI (1908).
American Indian music: more than just flutes and drums : American primitive music : with especial attention to the songs of the Ojibways (1909).
A guide to American Indian music (2008).
American Music on 78s (March 4, 1970)
Chicago Peace Museum: Give peace a chance : Music and the struggle for peace : A catalog of the exhibition at the Peace Museum, Chicago, 1983.
Cox, John Harrington: Folk-songs of the South.
- Cambridge,: Harvard University Press, 1925. - 608 s.
Early American Music (November 30, 1972).
Eggleston, George Cary: American war ballads and lyrics; a collection of the songs and ballads of the colonial wars, the revolution, the war of 1812-15, the war with Mexico, and the civil war; (1889).
- , og
An exhibit of music and materials on music, early and rare : presented in honor of the Midwest Chapters, American Musicological Society and Music Library Association, April 17-19, 1953, with the cooperation of the Library of Congress, the Newberry Library, the University of Illinois Libraries, the Sibley Musical Library (1953.
Goldberg, Isaac, Tin pan alley; a chronicle of American popular music (1961).
A History and Encyclopedia of Country, Western, And Gospel Music. / : Linnell Gentry. Clairmont Corp., 1969 - 598 s.
History of American Music (1908).
The history of American music (1915).
History of Punk Rock- Podcast #12.
Hodgins, Gordon W .: The Broadway musical : a complete LP discography. - Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1980.
Howard, John Tasker: Our American music; three hundred years of it (1946).
Krehbiel, Henry Edward: Afro American Folksongs : A Study In Racial And National Music (1914).
Music, Sound, and Technology in America: A Documentary History of Early Phonograph, Cinema, and Radio. / : Edited by Timothy D. Taylor, Mark Katz, and Tony Grajeda. Duke University Press, 2012. - 432 s. [Delvist online].
Negro Songsters' Own Book, 1846.
Newell, William Wells: Games and songs of American children; (1884).
Noebel, David: Marxist Minstrels: Communist Subversion of American Folk Music.
Polkabilly: How the Goose Island Ramblers Redefined American Folk Music. / : James P. Leary.
- Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2006.
Rouleau, Brian: In the Wake of Jim Crow : Maritime Minstrelsy Along the Transoceanic Frontier.
I: Common-place The Interactive Journal of Early American Life - · vol. 12 · no. 4 · July 2012
Show Music on Record 'provides discographic information for all commercially-released recordings of theatrical musicals, film and television musicals, and other productions that included songs. In addition to listings of original cast recordings of American shows produced for the stage, screen, and television (and of foreign shows that played in the U.S.), the database includes commercial recordings of later albums and medleys from shows, individual show tunes performed by members of original, revival, and studio casts, records of composers performing their own show songs, and selected additional recordings of related interest'. -
Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore: Bibliography of early secular American music.
- Washington, D.C., Printed for the author by H. L. McQueen, 1905. - 205 s.
The state of recorded sound preservation in the United States : a national legacy at risk in the digital age / commissioned for and sponsored by the National Recording Preservation Board of the Library of Congress. p. cm. -- (CLIR publication ; no. 148).
Terp, Holger: Aint gonna study war no more / Down by the riverside
Omfattende registrering af tidlige nodetryk.
Vietnam Songbook. The Guardian/Monthly Review Press, 1969. -

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